Gerald Character in Meskou | World Anvil
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A Mercenary known throughout Enser with him being summoned to do a contract for the Shesire Sovereignty.


Born in the quant village of Soehorp, his parents died while he was relatively young. This led him to take up the life of being a Mercenary and on the odd occasion a town guard with him travelling around and solving conflicts caused by man or beast by slashing things really hard. He became quite recognized amongst the commonfolk of the regions, with his most notable feats being taking down a cult of the Oblivion who had completely held the settlement of Ghaherld imprisoned for some dark rites. Due to travelling around a great deal, he is well versed in an extensive amount of skills that will aid him in almost any situation in life. The only skill he lacks is talking with people due to the fact he was born not very socially sane. This often left him doodling in his free time allowing him to grow a part-time skill as an artist  

His Daughter

In the year -29PS, at the age of 26, he was serving as a senior guard, in his home village of Soehorp, and led a clearing of a Goblin camp that took up refuge in the region. The goblins captured a slave trade caravan which he freed allowing the master to reclaim their lost slaves. After he saw the very harsh way that the merchant treated a little girl by the name of Miora, who looked like she was 11, he spent quite a fortune buying her. They lived together a bit like a father and a daughter with her being very distant at first but eventually, she began to warm up. However they never called each other father or daughter directly but that was their dynamic.   He cared for her deeply, being able to have a family that he lost when he was young. This love was made clear in how at all times he carried a purse containing a collection of ripped-out pages from his old sketchbook and diary which illustrate and talk about Miora, this purse is embded with the writing "Please bury this with me if I do die -Gerald".
  In those ripped-out pages, one will find drawings of Miora, not as good as his later drawings but you can tell he used his full heart to make them. There are also texts from his diary, talking about the days when he used to be with her. Stories of her dark past and just how much she suffered. Stories of how sweet and kind she is and how much he loves her. There are also writings about how he tried to teach her by learning stuff from books himself since he can't afford for her to attend school. Reading books is still a habit that he is doing. This reading became a habit of his which lasted until his death.   They were happy together, until 7 years later when she reached the age of 16, Gerald was away in the night doing work, believing that Miora could handle herself alone. Some thieves broke into the house, She was ignorant of the ways of combat and was unable to defend her home or herself, leaving her to be killed with the thieves running off with the last of their possessions. After Gerald found out, he buried her in the forest, sold the house, left his current job and went back to being a mercenary travelling wherever there was coin.    

Lamented Peeks

in the year -17PS he was summoned by the Infernal Emperor, Clementine Flame to under go a contract to slay the dragon who resides within the Lamented Peeks.   He died during this contract, where to his best efforts the group he was working alongside betrayed him leaving him to be squashed alive by a fallen over tower.
51 PS 17 PS 34 years old
Dark brown
Ashy brown
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Tanned white dude


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