"What foul fingers they have scraping over my coin" ~Snobby Noble
Goblins are often described as strangely tinted dirty creatures found causing mischief or malevolent harm to people around villagers or on the roads. They are often associated with bandits and warbands.
However, this is a very limited view of these diverse people, their sentience is nothing to be questioned for one trip to the country of Rowan would reveal their rich culture.
They remain in the primitive state for most of their life as they have not advanced in seclusion as the advanced races enslave them or send hunting parties to eliminate them. However, in Rowan where they have been left alone, they have built cities, founded religions, created languages and written literature.
Although the most common found goblin lurks away from such safe environments and has become remotely social as they gather in small bands to secure their safety. Many have to steal to survive, although a few tribes have adapted to their harsh environment to limit their interactions with the more sentient races.
Goblins are found in many different worlds.
In Enser, Sey and Nidh we find the Broonie.
While in the realm of Meskou we have the Garbin a more sopcicated bunch.
There is a debate whether the Nain are related to them when comparing their features, this was also the cause of the war between the Nain and Chinderin.
Basic Information
They appear as short people with razor teeth, often having one missing or out of place. Their skin tones vary depending on the breed, with the most common featuring yellow-olive skin, but crimson and teal are also present depending on the climate.
Their hair is long and well structured that it never stays wet for long, but this has a negative effect in making them collect dirt faster.
Their eyes are bead-like, with colour generally being a complementary tone to their skin, with the rarest being white and black.