Broonie Species in Meskou | World Anvil
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They are often described as strangely tinted dirty creatures found causing mischief or malevolent harm to people around settlements or on the roads. 
However this isn't the entire truth, they are put in this position by the advanced races enslaving them or send hunting parties to eliminate them.
  What separates these Goblins from the rest is the folklore that surrounds them, the Mirran viewed them as a household spirit.
It was said that in exchange for dairy products being left at the hearth they would come out at night and do household chores and tasks.  They also believed if a person attempts to gift one with clothing, they will leave forever. However much of this knowledge has become a myth once the Shesire Sovereignty took over and enslaved them.   There are many ethnical groups from this with theming lurking in Sewers, plains, forests, caves and mountains. These groups form out of desperation for a safe environment and have led to some joining bandit gangs as low-level thugs.

Basic Information


They appear as short people with razor teeth, often having one missing or chipped.
  Their skin tones vary between shades of cyan-moss to yellow-olive skin, but soft bronzes do appear every year. 
Their hair is long and well structured that it never stays wet for long, but this has a negative effect in making them collect dirt faster.
 Their eyes are bead-like, with colour generally being a shade of red, orange or mustard with the rarest being pure white - Often seen as a sign of badluck.

Cover image: by Artgalles


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