Kingdom on the Brink - Session 19 Report in Menorith | World Anvil
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Kingdom on the Brink - Session 19

General Summary

The party rests for the night and in the morning they discuss what to do first, Hendred prepares Sending and asks Seebo if they can use his house, Seebo obliges and gives the group the password and warns them about the Lagoon Port Shipping Guild and not to break anything (he also mentions he's in Strongfare and things aren't looking that good). The party enters Seebo's house and look around, Hendred paying close attention to what Oneiro is doing, they found some potions, scrolls, and arcane books. Ashara, Hendred, and Oneiro decide to find the constable and show him the Kuo-Toa cave and hopefully they can work out some sort of mutually beneficial agreement between Lakeshore and the Kuo-Toa. They leave the rest of the party at Seebo's house and head into town to find constable Gowyr, once found they explain that the fish they're being supplied with are actually intelligent beings and persuade him to follow them to the cave. On the way to the cave Ashara keeps facing the direction of the Wildlands which strikes Gowyr as odd, the party keeps an eye out for anyone trying to follow them. The group get to the Lighthouse base and explain that the lack of loose rubble is intentional, along with the missing statues, explaining the Kuo-Toa had deified the Lighthouse into an entity known as the Monolith, Gowyr finds this hard to believe but continues to follow the group. They arrive at the cave entrance were they find Kaylin, Gowyr looks at Ashara and asks what she's doing here, explaining the she caused trouble for the sailors employed by the shipping guild. Ashara explains that she believes that the shipping guild had something to do with the destruction of the Lighthouse (Ashara notices that Kaylin flinches slightly at this accusation) and then shows Gowyr the Kuo-Toa, proving that the tale of fish people is indeed true. The party asks him for help in persuading the mayor, Ashara and Hendred stay at the cave while Oneiro accompany constable Gowyr back to town. Once they leave Ashara pushes Kaylin against the wall and tells her to stop deflecting and presses for more information on the missing Lighthouse, Kaylin relents and explains she snuck aboard one of the ships that held the Kuo-Toa prisoner (with what appeared to be a storm gathering) but she was discovered and her throat was slit and her lifeless body was cast overboard. She remembers a bright light and slowly rising to the surface, alive, she felt a power coursing through her and as the storm got worse she found she could call upon the lightning and water. She destroyed the vessels carrying the Kuo-Toa and they took shelter in the nearby cave systems, The Lighthouse had disappeared in the period between her death and revival, she has no idea what happened to it. Oneiro notices some movement before he and Gowyr get too far up the path and see's they were being watched, the figure realizes they're cover is blown and runs off, Oneiro heads back to the cave and tells Ashara they've been followed. Hendred goes with Oneiro to ensure Gowyr makes it back to town safely while Ashara stays at the caves.

The party arrives at Lakeshore with no incident and head towards the Town Hall, they find the mayor is already in a meeting with someone, but they are allowed in. Hendred approaches with Gowyr while Oneiro remains by the door. The man who's talking with the mayor introduces himself as Isaac Goldpeak and extends his hand towards Hendred (she obliges) and towards Oneiro (Who does not), he tells the group that he's had issues with his cargo disappearing and was talking to the mayor about that. The party gets the feeling that Isaac is a slimy individual as he uses eloquent speech in a double speak sort of way, he then says who has other business to attend to and begins to leave, Oneiro opens the door for him and Isaac praises him for his manners and leaves. Oneiro keeps an eye on the hallway while Gowyr and Hendred explain what's been going on to the mayor and a potential plan, she looks exhausted and explains while it's a good idea on paper they need to get rid of the shipping guild, who just aren't willing to leave once they start doing business in a town. Oneiro looks at the contract they have and see it's intentionally vague and very difficult to just break, the mayor explains that even if they could break it, the guild has very little regards for the law (which hasn't had a strong presence in the region for a few months). The group thanks her for her time and asks one more thing of her, to send a representative to Aramore for the emergency meeting Bernard Ursel is calling. The mayor agrees and expresses shock that there's a warrant out for his arrest. Hendred and Oneiro head back to the cave and tell Ashara what happened, they sit down with Kaylin and they try to figure out what to do, they ask if the Kuo-Toa know how to fight, Kaylin shakes her head and explains that the Kuo-Toa aren't skilled in those ways. They ask if the Kuo-Toa have a leader, Kaylin thinks for a moment and gets up, a few minutes later she comes back with one of the Kuo-Toa, and explains he is essentially they're priest to the Monolith. The party attempts to communicate with the priest and after a few unsuccessful attempts the priest does something and is able to communicate, the party asks for his help and after a little bit of persuasion he goes to consult with the Monolith. The group follows to altar as the continue to discuss with Kaylin what they could do, Ashara asks if the Kuo-Toa would consider to be bait to lure out the shipping guild (as it seems the guild really wants the Kuo-Toa back), Kaylin and the priest are unsure. The priest finishes consulting with the altar and says that they should expect an answer later. The party figures if they could get the ships out to sea they could probably sink them with Hendred's ability to control water and Kaylin's ability to call lightning. Oneiro goes to the altar and stealthily casts a cantrip that makes a light appear for a moment and shine on Ashara, Kuo-Toa begin to surround her and Kaylin believes that the Kuo-Toa would follow Ashara's plan. Ashara sends out a group to lure out the ships, about 30 minutes later the group returns and reports two ships were already underway, the group heads to the Lighthouse foundation to get a better look.

They see that the vessels have anchored around an island about 2 miles off and see row boats slowly ferrying people to the island, the party hides among the ruins waits for the first group to arrive. once they're within range Oneiro shoots two arrows and begins the ambush. 2 swashbucklers charge at the rock Oneio is on while 3 brawlers head towards the Lighthouse ruins, 2 archers stay back to cover the advance. Ashara moves out to meet the Brawlers and strikes the one leading the group, Hendred stays little ways back and throws her handaxe another brawler, Oneiro fires another volley of arrows at the swashbucklers. Kaylin lets out an otherworldly voice which strike fear into the majority of the sailors, Two brawlers manage to land a strike on Ashara and Hendred which stuns them, Oneiro starts to get overwhelmed when he banishes himself. Kaylin moves to help Ashara and sends a shockwave through the brawler Ashara was attacking, killing him, the other two brawlers are so frightened by Kaylin that they dared to not approach. although Hendred is unable to move she is able to cast spiritual weapon and begins to attack the archers. Oneiro reappears and moves closer to Kaylin (which the frightened sailor dares not approach), Ashara gets knocked out but Kaylin holds her ground and sends a shockwave through another brawler. Ashara awakens and deals with the last brawler then engages the archers. Hendred and Oneiro attack the unfrighten swashbuckler while the other one runs away, Ashara kills the two archers and Oneiro attempts to slay the fleeing swashbuckler, but is unsuccessful. The group gathers the dead and Oneiro sits down and starts muttering in a language the party doesn't recognize, once he composes himself he confronts Ashara. He asks why do they even bother, the town will be dead one way or another, either by starvation or by an undead horde, Ashara replies that they still have a chance and they need to build an army to confront the dead and that Lakeshore can help in that regard. Oneiro walks off but mutters "fool" under his breathe, the group wants to short rest but are unsure if they have the time, Ashara points out the sun is setting and it's humans who are assaulting the cave. She offers to buy the needed time to prepare by skirmishing with the sailors to slow them down, she is successful and the group decides to make their stand at the mouth of the cave, causing a bottle neck while Kaylin summons lightning from the sky. Ashara takes the brunt of the assault while Hendred steps in to provide relief at key moments and Oniero banishes or slows down any sailor that nearly breaks the line, As darkness falls and the end doesn't seem to be in sight the Kuo-Toa priest comes forth with the masses. They look different as their eyes start to glow, and off in the distance a great light can be seen, the Kuo-Toa speak in one voice, the voice of the Monolith. The Monolith says it has heard the pleas of its people and will not stand by, the party sees as the light in the distance reveals itself to be the Lighthouse, the Light house moves and raises its arms destroying one of the ships. it turns its attention to another and strikes it down, there is a smaller third vessel but it sees it's outmatched and flees the area, the Kuo-Toa charge the line of sailors and make quick work of the stragglers. Ashara grabs one of the Kuo-Toa and pleads with the Monolith to not leave but to take up residence on the site of the former Lighthouse, the Monolith explains that it's obligations are first to the Kuo-Toa, not Lakeshore and then heads back to the depths of the ocean.
It is late evening on the 16th day of Kyzet
Report Date
10 Oct 2020
Primary Location
Secondary Location


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