Druebar Organization in Menorith | World Anvil
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Druebar (Droo-bar)

"The day those ships first appeared was a day that the confederation would change forever, they just didn't know it at the time, the incursion changed everything. It laid the groundwork for mighty deeds and heroism, it showed the strength of a group was needed but the strength of individuals could work wonders. The incursion destroyed the fears of one individual holding immense power and showed the good one with absolute authority could achieve when directing the group. So when I say this......... misunderstanding between Bralor and Druebar must be resolved, I mean it, because I fear for the future." - correspondence between Trisdan Crasalor, Druebar's Royal Spymaster and Bralor's Spymaster.


The country is led by a Monarch descended from the line of the Forewood family, the king is advised by a council that they appoint. there are several noble houses, the king isn't beholden to the nobility, but they do hold considerable influence.


The Great Fire scarred a good amount of the area around Encarres Mountain range, but the mountains themselves provided refuge from the falling fire. Many small settlements popped up, one of which would become known as Crasmere Heights. Crasmere Heights was named after Garvas Crasmere, a Halfling miner who discovered large deposits of Mithril while exploring the depths of the Encarres Mountain range. This advantage allowed Crasmere heights to grow and expanded its influence and started to expand its borders beyond the immediate vicinity of the mountains. By 800 AGF a small confederation of city states led by Crasmere Heights had pushed to the coast, when one day a group of ships appeared off the horizon, these ships came from the Wildlands. This incursion took the confederation by surprise as while they had fought the hordes of the wildlands on land, they never encountered a seafaring force. The horde was mostly of the Orc species and pushed back the confederation to the mountains, the orcs lacked the ability to effectively fight in the mountains so their advanced ground to a halt. A year passed by with no gains made when a human named Farold Forewood took a small strike force and proceeded to destroy several supply drops and harbors. This caused the orcs to spread out and caused several weak points to form, Farold took advantage of this and rallied the army and charged on multiple points and routed the orcs. The city states met together near the wrecks of several ships to decide what to do next (This would be known as the foundation conclave), it was decided that they needed to unify with a strong ruler at the helm. It was decided that Farold would be this leader this new kingdom would be known as Druebar (started as an ironic suggestion based on the name of one of the shipwrecks).

The kingdom of Druebar recovered from the incursion and flourished and established the current southern borders with the Zostana Confederation. In 1721 AGF several more ships appeared on the horizon, Druebar feared the worst and mobilized the army, the ships made landfall at the mouth of the twin rivers (right on the border of Druebar and Zostana). The ships were all half orcs and they didn't want to fight, they wanted a place to call their own. This incident heightened tensions between Druebar and Zostana as Druebar didn't want the half orcs anywhere near them and Zostana wanted to hear them out. The incident lasted for several months and a few bad actors tried to encourage conflict between the two nations, but thanks to the actions of a few both nations were able to defuse the situation. The kingdom moved forward and established most of it's current northern borders (excluding the grasslands that border Littlepost, Lakecliff Ruins, and Strongfare). In 1823 AGF the nation of Bralor had ended it's civil war with the signing of The Barthmont Accords, they sent correspondence restating they would honor the previous treaties. This correspondence was intercepted by some extremist elements who altered the letters to damage the diplomatic relationship between the two nations, tensions heightened and a complete severing of diplomacy was being considered. The spymasters of both countries met in secret and set forth their subordinates to unravel the conspiracy, ultimately bringing the extremists to justice, this incident led to the founding of the Royal Bralorian Couriers and the Arbitors.  

In 1865 AGF Julian Bathazaar led an expedition into what would become Eastbrook, Druebar took advantage of this and coordinated an attack on the wildland hordes. Together the leaders of these two expeditions negotiated the annexation and the determining the new national borders.
Founding Date
200 AGF (Crasmere Heights), 801 AGF official founding of Druebar
Training Level
Veterancy Level
Government System
Monarchy, Absolute
Power Structure
Feudal state
Economic System
Market economy
Neighboring Nations


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