Royal Bralorian Couriers Organization in Menorith | World Anvil
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Royal Bralorian Couriers

The years following The Barthmont Accords were plagued with corruption and administrative turmoil, one of the reforms enacted was the founding of the Royal Bralorian Couriers.


The basis for the group are the couriers themselves, they are the ones who actually deliver the messages to their destination. This is achieved by a relay system of small outposts along the courier routes, spaced out roughly 10 - 15 miles, each outpost would have several fresh horses so all the rider needed to do was stop and get on a new horse. Couriers would also be assigned to these outposts to maintain the facility and take care of the horses, a rotation would be set so no one courier would be stuck only taking care of the post or only delivering parcels. Each city would have a senior courier to insure proper administration of the areas outposts, and each province had courier intendant to ensure the provincial courier infrastructure was maintained. Finally a courier general was located in Highsummit, this individual is the head of the organization. There's also a small division devoted to delivering parcels outside the borders of the kingdom.

Public Agenda

The Couriers only mission is to deliver decrees, messages, and official correspondence of the officials of Bralor. The service is not allowed to be used by private entities, no matter how much power such organizations might wield.


The Royal Bralorian Couriers are supplied with some of the best horses, bred for speed and stamina, the courier has no idea what the message bears but every parcel is treated with the utmost importance. To further increase the speed of transit, special roads were constructed that only those bearing an official seal may utilize. To trespass on such a road bears severe penalties, bandits do not raid such routes because the act would gather a response on the scale of a small military campaign.


1823 AGF marked the year the modern nation of Bralor was formed, as is what's common with young countries there was growing pains and corruption. Decrees would be late, orders lost, and official correspondences intercepted. After a diplomatic pouch sent to Druebar was seized by an extremist group, nearly causing an invasion, The Royal council convened and formed the Royal Bralorian Couriers. To ensure absolute impartiality all candidates had to swear off all family ties, which included: Titles, the family name, and inheritance. In return of several decades of service the couriers would receive land, a noble title, and a stipend which was directly proportional to years served. This was very appealing to the lower and middle classes, but the training and selection process was very difficult to pass.

May your message spread

Founding Date
1826 AGF
Alternative Names
The Couriers, The Express


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