Derrick Banks


Derrick was born and originally grew up in the nearby city of Urbis, but his family moved to Greengale when he was twelve. He loved being challenge so he was instantly drawn to the activities of the A&A Club. Though he tends to be a loner, Wayne was able to convince him to become a member when he realized that Derrick could handle running some of the activities to take the load off of Jandor as things grew.   Derrick is very quiet, making it hard for his friends to get a read on him at times, but he’s also extremely friendly. He is fiercely loyal and cares about the people around him. Though he integrates well into the A&A Club, he doesn’t really have any close friends in the group aside from Bernie, which was a preexisting friendship from school and based on their mutual love of sports and competition.  


Age 17
Race Human
Gender Male
Height 5'8" (1.72m)
Build Muscular
Complexion Dark-brown
Eyes Brown
Hair Short,black
Father Tyrone Banks
Mother Kiki Banks
Mendalian Ranks
Adimus Rank Non
Guild Rank Black Band - Zormon
Hometown Greengale, USA
Action & Adventure Club Member
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