Gilenar Holldun Character in Melyria | World Anvil

Gilenar Holldun

Young mister Gilenar Holldun

From a very young age, Gilenar has loved stories of the soldiers and other passers-by who have stayed in his family's inn.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

He's average height and weight for a young, growing high elf.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Gilenar has a happy-go-lucky vibe around him. He tends to smile a lot and ask questions, being curious about everything. He is just full of sunshine, especially when he was younger.

His family had bought a roadside Inn a few years before the war began. Despite all the heavy traffic and soldiers walking along the road, Gilenar felt like the war was somewhere very far away. When the war ended and important areas were lost to the enemy, the traffic on the road started to slow down and nowadays is just a fraction of what it used to be.

There are also other problems in poor Gil's life, on top of the question on how his family will be able to fare from day to day, as the price of food is overwhelming if you do not have any customers visiting the inn. Thankfully they have some land and farm animals, so they are not completely dependent on food that needs to be bought.

The problem in question is a bit embarrassing and scary to him, because he has an illness which even the healer lady from a nearby village wasn't able to identify. He tends to freeze from time to time, sometimes completely blacking out, sometimes just blankly staring into the space, completely out of it. He sees flashes of things, usually short and incomprehensible for a young boy like him. And he thinks he is going to die, because old people see flashes of their past lives when they are starting to part from this world and onto the next.


He hasn't received any proper schooling. He was very young when the war began, and the soldiers who were passing by and staying at their family's inn taught him how to read and write. That is why he learned to read and write at a very young age.


Gilenar works for the family business, although he feels that he isn't much of use anymore because of his illness.

Personality Characteristics


He's usually clean enough and bathes when the bathwater is heated up. In the summer he swims in the nearby pond. He doesn't mind if he gets dirty while working and the smell of the stable doesn't bother him at all.


Family Ties

Gilenar has a mother, a father, two older sisters Gaella and Myela, and an older brother named Garrius. They live in Dewhill Inn, except sister Gaella, who moved to Efadell to make money.


Gilenar can be a bit blunt at times, but he doesn't mean anything bad, he's just from the countryside.

Hobbies & Pets

He doesn't have any pets of his own, but the family's dog Kormus (means 'black companion' in Elvish) seems to have taken the guarding of the youngest of its pack as its holy, woven task. Thus, Kormus is usually on Gil's side, wherever he goes.

A young high elf boy who just wanted to be a ferrier.

View Character Profile
Year of Birth
4017 AoS 30 Years old
Current Residence
Deep Blue
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
fair, but tanned
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Elvish, Common, Gnomish, Dwarvish and couple of swear words in Draconic, probably.


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