Vektektek Species in Megastructure | World Anvil
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Leaders of the Aquatic Hegemony

The Vektektek are a warlike aquatic species who are generally hostile to non-aquatic species. They lead the Aquatic Hegemony in an attempt to subjugate land-dwelling species.

Basic Information


Vektektek have an elongated hairless body with two arms, two legs ending in fin-like appendages, and a long tail. They are adapted to life in aquatic environments and primarily use a gill-like breathing system, but it is likely they are also able to breathe air with sufficiently high oxygen content at least for short periods.

Civilization and Culture

Average Technological Level

It is unclear how the Vektektek first developed advanced technology in an aquatic environment. Their current technological level is roughly equal to the UDSA, with advantages in some areas such as weapons.
Average Length

Cover image: by Zhuriel


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