The Dread Wastes
To the east of the Primeval Wilds, over the peaks of the Father's Spine , within the confines of the An'Vara Desert, lie what the locals call the Dread Wastes. This ocean of sand lies on the Western edges of Santhresh, threatening to overcome its well travel trade route with every year. The source of dangerous sandstorms the region is known for, few travel within the Dread Wastes, save the Wraakling. To these people, the Dread Wastes are the sacred resting place of their god, for which they are named.
If one were to brave the Dread Wastes, one could find miles upon miles of shifting sand dunes, churning with the whipping winds that balk against the Father's Spire mountains. The only shade from the sun's beating heat during the day would be birthing of a sandstorm, the massive dunes enveloping miles, consume the land it happens to roll over. And in the eve, the temperature drop is so drastic as to leave its travellers shivering and panting in turn. But, rumors say there are treasures waiting among and beneath the sands, for those brave enough to venture into its unforgiving embrace, and risk the wrath of its Wraakling inhabitants.
The Dread Wastes are an expansive erg, or dune sea, that hug the Father's Spine mountains on the eastern side of the An'Vara desert. It is not a static place, nor static size, its rolling hill shifting and expanding with the whims of the winds that come crashing against the Father's Spine from the sea on An'Vara's western coast. The area receives near no rainfall, and the larges dunes are estimated to be a mile of sand before actual ground is reached. Temperatures range from well over 100°F during the daytime, and sink to 32°F shortly after sunset. There is little vegetation in the Wastes, only found rarely peaking through the sands in the dune valleys, though the occasional butte or rock formation breaches the sandy surface.
Where the Waste meets the Spine, the blowing sands have carved out caverns and caves that are both said to contain relics of whatever may have been consumed by the sand dunes, and reports of crystal caverns against the mountains and hidden under dune sand are spoke of, often sought, and rarely if ever found.
Despite its unforgiving nature, on a calm day where the winds don't threaten stirring up a sandstorm, the Wastes are beautiful place. It is worth the view of the expansive sands for those whom travel along the trade routes of the An'Vara to pause where the Wastes butt up against the road, threatening to consume it, and climb and outter dune and look in. Its a popular tourist thing to do when traveling in the An'Vara.
Where the Waste meets the Spine, the blowing sands have carved out caverns and caves that are both said to contain relics of whatever may have been consumed by the sand dunes, and reports of crystal caverns against the mountains and hidden under dune sand are spoke of, often sought, and rarely if ever found.
Despite its unforgiving nature, on a calm day where the winds don't threaten stirring up a sandstorm, the Wastes are beautiful place. It is worth the view of the expansive sands for those whom travel along the trade routes of the An'Vara to pause where the Wastes butt up against the road, threatening to consume it, and climb and outter dune and look in. Its a popular tourist thing to do when traveling in the An'Vara.
Fauna & Flora
With the roiling sands, there is little opportunity for plants to take root. What little plant life there is peaks up through the sands on its edges.
The Wastes have little life. The occasional beetle, lizard, or insect can be found wandering the dunes, though there is more life closer to the caverns pressed against the mountainside. There is only one creature of note that dwells in the waste: The Bone Ke'Lut.
Bone Ke'Lut's are, in short, large dogs that appear as if wearing a skull for a face. They're covered in boney protrusions, and are about the size of a horse. Bone Ke'Lut's bury themselves in the sands of the dunes, generally where the buttst against civilization, using thier skull-like head to disguise itself as a skeleton half buried in the wastes. There it waits for passing prey, leaping out if the prey is nearby, stalking if it is not. Ke'Lut's are a known man eater, and rumored to be manifestations of the Dread Father's wrath.
Natural Resources
There is plentiful sand in the Dread Wastes, though with the plentiful quantity of loose sand in the An'Vara desert, and the relative danger of the desert, it is not readily sought after.
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