The Storm Sages Organization in Mbali | World Anvil

The Storm Sages

The Prophetic Murmurings of the Storm Sages

The worship and temples of Jindh dominate so much of our society across Mbali that it is a pleasure for me to write about other religious groups, for which there are many. Even within followers of Jindh, there are quite a few sects that differ so widely they might as well be completely different beliefs. Our head archivist, Dulamah, worships at the Temple of Jindh at least once a week. He rightfully believes that his interpretative journal entries of other religions might read too harsh, so many of these reports he has assigned to me. I, myself, carry a healthy skepticism of the Masanii and general Jindh followers, and I am equally skeptical of other beliefs as well. So, at least in my journal entries, you'll get a fair amount of doubt for all religions.


Since our collection of stories began, we have received a fair amount of reports and stories regarding the storm sages. This unique group believes storms foretell the future. According to their teachings, destructive storms reflect the rage of Armadus, a supreme deity of the sky, who they worship by marking the places anointed by Armadus's power...areas heavily struck by wind storms or lightning. Musicians able to call down lightning are believed to have been empowered by Armadus.


The storm sages only utilize weather magic, from simple pushes of the wind, to powerful manifestations of thunderstorms. They practice on the coasts and deep in the jungles. Most reports of their practices are from the southwest, in the southern region of Ghan, in and between the Dade forest, Fon Nation, and Krull Palace, but there have been isolated reports of storm sages as far east as here in Qatar, and as far north as the Province of Funani.


There are two schools of storm sage thought. One school of thought is that the purpose of the sages is to roam Mbali and give the storm's predictions to the people. The other school believes Armadus calls them from Greater Skorbak. This sect lay in wait for the prophesied call to seek Armadus out past the great beyond. They believe Mbali's time is numbered and they will be called away before the mass destruction of the continent becomes a reality. They believe this "call" is nigh, and they expect a prophetic storm sage captain to come for them, recruiting believers to raise a fleet of ships and embark on a journey to meet their deity on the Greater Skorbak. This, of course, is extremely ridiculous. The very idea is ludicrous since sailors wholeheartedly believe that storm sages bring bad luck to any ship. When a real ship captain actually reaches out to gather a bunch of storm sages on their ship, then I'll think about changing my opinion of the sages peculiar religion.

Religious, Druidic Circle

Cover image: by kevron2001


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