

A.G. Lamar | Member Since 14 May, 2021
6 Followers 4740 Page views 25 Likes

I started writing stories in the first grade. My attraction to stories made me an avid reader and inspired a love for the dramatic. After college, I found a home in museums, researching, preserving, and presenting stories of the past. But the muse of writing my own stories took hold, and now I write feverishly to release the myriad of stories that live inside my head. When the muse releases me, my heart is with my three little ones, and we live and play out new stories to pass down the family line. Motivated by the many lessons, perspectives, and amazing stories of struggle and triumph in my people's past, I write tales of characters who overcome extreme obstacles to reach the mark of excellence in front of them. I hope my characters are inspirational and stir the fires of progress and human empathy in us all.

Favorite Movies

  • Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon
  • The Lord of the Rings Trilogy
  • Seven Samurai
  • Tombstone
  • Silverado
  • Gladiator
  • Heat
  • The Dark Knight
  • Stand by Me

Favorite TV Series

  • The Expanse
  • Game of Thrones until...(nah, still one of my favorites)
  • Friday Night Lights

Favorite Books

  • The Expanse Series
  • The Way of Kings
  • The Rage of Dragons
  • The Dark Tower series
  • A Song of Ice and Fire series
  • Dragonlance Chronicles
  • The Wheel of Time....yet to finish though
  • The Saxon Stories/The Last Kingdom Series (4 books in)

Favorite Writers

  • Brandon Sanderson
  • Walter Dean Myers
  • James S.A. Corey (Both of them)
  • Bernard Cornwell
  • Neil Gaiman
  • Louis L'amour
  • George R.R. Martin

Favorite Games

  • Tomb Raider (from the original to the latest)
  • Pillars of Eternity II
  • Icewind Dale
  • Mass Effect 1-3
  • Cyberpunk 2077
  • Final Fantasy VII (not really, but my brother said it was the greatest RPG of all time, now its too old for me to enjoy it)