Shildamere City Settlement in Masters of Illuria | World Anvil

Shildamere City (Shil-da-mere City)

Markovia Alliance of Free Cities is a collection of cities across the Shattered Lands region that have joined together in a loose alliance for protection from the world at large. The ruling government is the Council of Peers, which meets in Shildamere City every Spring to debate and settle disputes across the Alliance.   Unlike many kingdoms, which may have no laws or are ruled with an iron fist, the Markovia Alliance is a bold experiment in the ancient principles of democracy and free speech.

Industry & Trade

Primary Exports: raw and processed minerals, linen or cotton paper, agriculture, scribing ink.

Guilds and Factions

Binders, Nightseers, the DiRosa Mining guild, the Marshall's Guild, and the Skyfarer League all have guildhouses in this city.
Location under
Owning Organization

Cover image: by Dreamstime Stock Art


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