Rasping Rage Condition in Masters of Illuria | World Anvil

Rasping Rage

Rasping Rage is a lycanthropy flu virus created in a research lab studying the infection rates and disease progression of various types of lycanthropy diseases. This 'super bug' escaped the confines of the lab because of a worker becoming accidentally infected then not following proper cleanup medical procedure. 


The result was a pandemic that swept across Illuria and several other of the former Core Worlds in the early days after the formation of the Coalition. This pandemic resulted in creating new species, one of which is the purnesi.


This lycanthropy flu earned its name ‘Rasping Rage’ because of the common reaction of a rasping cough that victims would suffer through the entire span of the illness. The rage was because of the wild and aggressive anthropomorphic shape and state the victim would transform into at the height of the infection. 


The animal nature that the victim would take on was not consistent. It often varies with region and environment. In some places it would be a jackal, in others a rabbit, and so on. The mortality rate was moderate to high with many victims perishing during the initial transformation portion of the ailment, while terrified mobs killed others.

Transmission & Vectors

Transmission of the Rasping Rage virus was through fluids, most often through bite or by eating contaminated food.


Cover image: by Dreamstime Stock Art


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