The Great Shudder Physical / Metaphysical Law in Massaolo | World Anvil

The Great Shudder

"The ground itself began to shake. The sand upon the shore turned to shattering glass. The sea itself came and set itself against the city. Men prayed in vain for deliverance and those few who found it would raise a generation of anti-theists out of spite for the cruel theft of their former lives by uncaring gods."
The Great Shudder was a natural disaster that struck the city of Ulusosu in the year 397 of the Liberty Era. The primary cause was an earthquake which caused a tidal wave to strike the city. Survivors of the event measured only in the hundreds and the city would take nearly two decades to be restored to a self-sufficient settlement, let alone the thriving maritime trade hub it was prior to the Shudder. The few survivors of the event were so traumatized by it that many of them became zealously anti-theistic as, in their mind, the gods had brought this suffering upon them, or at the very least did nothing to prevent it and protect their devoted followers. These 'Shudderers,' as they came to be called, would go on to form a short-lived counter-culture that centered around anti-theism within the wider Republic and many of their descendants would not return to the faith for as many as four generations.   The rebuilding of Ulusosu itself was an effort that took the republic the better part of the early 5th century L.E., but the Chol hold the rebuilding of the city as one of the prouder moments in their history due to how the city soon became even grander than it was prior to the Shudder.

Cover image: by Yisris


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