Pilot Profession in Mark of Power | World Anvil


Piloting is one of the most highly demanded job in the Galaxy from Frieghters, Fighters, to people who fly battleships there always a need for pilots.



All pilots need to learn how to fly the ships that they either want to know to fly or need to know to fly. There are several specialized academies throughout the Galaxy that can teach people. However, it isn't uncommon for people to learn from their parents or guardian as knowing how to fly a ship is in a similar boat as knowing how to drive a car. It is an education that most people have.

Career Progression

The goal of every pilot is to get the Mark of Pilot which allows them to have the title of Psionic Jammer which comes from many hours of flying and living on ships while developing a strong connection to their ship.   All other progession depends on the career paths within that are packed within piloting. Pilots in the military often want to be stationed on battleships and even fly those ships instead of Fighters because of how dangerous smaller ship to ship combat can be. On the other can not everyone wants to fly for the military instead they with fly Freighters or Shuttles. These pilots they will either want to fly the bigger ships or start their own businesses that provide these services without being tied to corperations. In the end it depends on what pilots want to do which makes it a flexible career.

Payment & Reimbursement

This will also depend on the type of work that the pilot is doing and is going into as Fighter Pilots are paid differently from Freighters and Shuttles. Some pilots work gigs across the Galaxy and are not apart of a traditional employement structure.

Other Benefits

Pay is usually good and all pilots are encouraged and in some cases have to take shore leave at the various planets and spaceports that dot the Galaxy. They also get to travel a lot and see the Galaxy while living on their ships for extended periods of time.



They fly ships from small Fighters to giant Freighters and transport Shuttles. Pilots are the ones that make things happen in the Galaxy and keeps goods and people moving from one place to another.

Social Status

Pilots are often respected regardless of their field of choice.


Humans who love to explore make up the majority of pilots but other races also love those things and also become pilots. Piloting is one of the most diverse career fields in the Galaxy.



A pilot's main tool is their ship and whatever amenities and or personnel that happen to be on that ship this is because most pilots are also the Captains of the ships they are on.


They often work on their ships which they live on for extended periods. Some pilots can repair their ships and those who often prefer to repair their ships themselves instead of having an Engineer do the repairs. However, not all pilots want to repair their ships and those will hire engineers to do it.

Provided Services

Pilots provide many different services the people of the Galaxy from moving goods and people to serving in various militaries on fighters and battleships. Some pilots will use their ships to smuggle those goods or transport people unwillingly. Being a pilot is a good skill set that goes well with many related professions.

Dangers & Hazards

There are two types of hazards that pilots can face while on the job and those are problems with the ship itself and hazards outside of the ship.   For the first kind of hazard ships although designed to be safe are not always safe. Flying with broken equipment is dangerous and can result in being stranded in space. Repairs always have to be made timely and those repairs can be dangerous depending on where they are taking place. It is always better to repair at a space station or on a planet than in open space. If repairs are done wrong they can result in the ship falling apart. This is why some pilots will repair their ships as opposed to having someone else do it. On the flip side, this is the same reason others give for having others repair their ship because the engineer should know what they are doing.   As for the external hazards the Galaxy is a dangerous place full of strange creatures that can survive without oxygen like the Eye Asteroid Space Whales, Pirates, The Cartel, and other underworld organizations like The Ashen Sun. Most ships have guns and shields on them and if they don't, they are often escorted by fighters and battleships to ensure that cargo and or passengers make it to their destination safely.
This is a very legal and respected profession.
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