Arstellia Archives Building / Landmark in M.A.P.S. | World Anvil
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Arstellia Archives

The Arstellia Archives is the archives section of St. Lyra's Library. It was an additional built by the master lock-maker Gion Arstellia in 1553. The archive is separated from the rest of the library by a large golden door, containing the sacred seven locks, so hard to break into that it's only ever been tried once. The head scholar is the only one with the keys, and it is their job to let the other scholars studying under them into the archives for the day, locking the door behind them. The archive is the home to all of the council government's historic records, as well as the records from the Capitol, non-public records on all citizens, and pre-First Human Wars records. Anything having to deal with humans is locked so deep in the archives, only the head scholar, Plia Denton, who has been working in the archives for 45 years, knows where they are (and what priceless knowledge is contained within those particular tomes).   Not just anyone can get access to the archives. Council officials can request scholars look up information from them, but they are not able to enter them on their own. The Scholars that work the archives must have at least 15 years of experience working in the library before they are even allowed to apply to work in the archives. It is one of the most prestigious and secretive jobs in the city.
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