Koe Nguha Character in Manarchy | World Anvil

Koe Nguha

Koe Nguha (a.k.a. The Squawking Rage)

While many races of birds went extinct during the first decade of men settling on the land, the decline of settlements nearby left nature to take back it's right. While some isolated tribes still hunts to cover their needs in proteins and other ressources, the fauna benefited of a new boom in variety of birds. While those tribes benefits of it, the region northeast known as the Feather Hills is rarely used as a hunting ground for a mighty creature born of primal violence manifests nearby. The locals names it Koe Nguha, which can be translated as the 'Squawking Rage'.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Koe Nguha was made manifest through a relic owned by the Tribe Leader (X) of the (Y). (X) wanted to showcase his superiority over nature and demanded a tribute of feather to each hunted that succeeded to bring back an avian to the tribe. Over the course of decades, the tailored cape became more of a regal attire than fully functionnal, becoming made of about 80 thousands feathers.   During a blood ritual in (time), the energy gathered managed to make the cape transform into a sentient gigantic bird manifested through the anima of those dead birds. However, the spell was too strong to control and the colossal bird turned against it's blood-tainted maker. The village was razed by the raging abomination which then set itself near some Hills which became known as Feathered Hills when avians took back residence after the annihiliation of humans nearby.   Other tribes tried to interact or even hunt the bird for glory, but none came back, assumed to have been eradicated by the amalgalm of bird spirits fueled by vengeance. He thus became a known dangerous legend in the region and no settlements was made nearby by fear of retaliation.   In the (Age), most only heard of the bird by oral legends and art made of it to warn greedy hunters. Those pieces of art were studied later by other anthropologists from away lands that managed to interact with the local tribes.

Personality Characteristics


Since Koe Nguha does not have body functions (need to eat etc), it rather stay dormant near the Feathered Hills, Flying in the region from time to time. While it does so, it is usually covered by a thick black fog which makes it hard to spot for almost every sentient species, but most know the fog's origins to not mess nearby when possible.   Koe Nguha, while made less powerful as it's source of manifest became scarce but the annihiliation of humanoid civilisation nearby, only some small remote tribes, it's anger remains unquenchable and it will raze any humanoid presence it manages to detect. Most tribe shaman, when a black fog is expected to come nearby, uses magic mixed with mundane camouflage techniques to hide from it's wrath.

Vices & Personality flaws

Anger, which was made manifest off


The Koe Nguha has no real regular hygiene process like regular birds as it's physical mana body does not need to sweat of getting dirty whatsoever. His black fog aura is often described as smelling like ashes, that could be a manifest of pain made by various burning of ancient tribes that affected the fauna.
Chaotic Neutral
Current Location
Circumstances of Birth
Anima manifestation after a ritual made by Tribe Leader (X)
Circumstances of Death
Combat (By Leenagi, The Eel Witch )
Current Residence
Isolated Nest Rocky Formation in Feathered Hills
Empty, bleeding black-red ectoplasm
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Hues of Black, yellow and red darkened by time and dust, almost fully covered by feathers infused with Anima
wingspan:100 feets, 40 feet long : beak to tail
4600 pounds


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