Electric Eel

Basic Information


Electric eels have one long and slender body, and size varies from regions to regions. They are invertebrates and have a jaw having numerous flash pointy teeth.

Genetics and Reproduction

Electric eels are oviparians that are produced by the female and average a thousand of eggs which are fertilised later by the males.

Ecology and Habitats

Hot/Very hot and humid environment are prefered for this species. swamp, river, streams in tropical and freshwater biomes are the places they inhabit.

Dietary Needs and Habits

Carnivorous. However, it is occasional for them to eat fruits or berries that fall from trees and bushes near bodies of water.  Their main diet consists of other fishes.

Additional Information


While usually a wild animal species, electric eels can be domesticated for uniques uses (see paragraph below), however, the process is complex and can demand great efforts.

Uses, Products & Exploitation

If the eels are domesticated, they can be used by crafty inventors and spellcasters for their electricity capacities. If gathered together in a closed environment with a series of nodes attached around the body of waters, it is possible to harness the electricity produced by them without harming the creatures. a spike in production can be forced by feeding them some live animal to prey on as they will collectively shock the victim, which residual electricity will be absorbed by the nodes. This gave some ethnicities a early access to gather electricity and helped kickstart technology advancement later on. However, the amount of electricity used is rather small in volume and mostly used for small consumptions. One of the early technological advances was items like defibrilators or shock gauntlets, and experimental techniques like electrotherapy. In a way, they can be working animal without even forcing themselves as it's mostly the energy they spend that is reused for other purposes.   In magical research, they are also considered good familiar for aquatic species are they are good with offering extra sensory options, as well as some self-defence measures. their attunement to electricity also makes them excellent candidates for familiars of evokers  as they are excellent catalysts for such magic or rituals.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Electric Eels usually use their sight as a main mean of perception. However, their electricity takes also a huge help to help them detect their surroundings: with smaller impulses it can help detect motions through muddy waters and even serve as communication between each other. With large impulses, they can paralyze or at least stagger hiding predators or preys, making them twitch and easier to spot. A school of electric eels , or a handful or them attuned as familiars can create larger fields for detection on a longer duration.
12-20 years
Conservation Status
Not endangered
Average Height
1.8-2.7 meters


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