Caustic Lizard
It is not uncommon to see lizard-like creatures in the sewers. they are actually part of our ecosystem. thanks to them, anything dropped in it decomposes quicker. A useful boon for a lot of people, from fertiliser merchants to assassins.Sabruli, historian
Basic Information
Caustic lizards are quadrupedal vertebrates having a tail covering about a third their total length. Their ears are holes that doesn't protude out their main frame. They have two eyes and a jaw containing a prehensile tongue.
Genetics and Reproduction
Rocksliders are oviparian and reproduce sexually. Healthy females produces three to four eggs every year, and they usually reproduce during late spring, their mating season. Gestation takes around two months. Egg hatches about 4 days in average conditions.
Ecology and Habitats
Caustic Lizards are usually seen in humid regions, mostly in plains or tropical forests. It is also possible to see them in swamps. They usually prefer soft soil and make burrows in open areas to protect themselves from rain, nightly predators and hibernate in winter.
Dietary Needs and Habits
Caustic lizards are omnivorous specimens. They usually feed themselves with flora and berries, but because of their fast metabolism, they are not against attacking animals. Usually, they hunt in small groups of three to six to hunt medium-sized game, or even humans. They usually use their caustic skin to remove skin and get access to raw meat. If the fauna balance is at odds, it is not impossible to see them scavenge garbage, or in worse cases, attack humans in small settlements.
Biological Cycle
Caustic lizard hibernation can take up to 3 months.
Their skin shed every 12 weeks. However, the process is almost instant: The new skin, when getting in contact with air, start to produce acid which dissolves the original skin very fast, leaving close to no physical pieces to scavenge. As most shedding processes, the dying skin becomes duller and dim in coloration.
Their skin shed every 12 weeks. However, the process is almost instant: The new skin, when getting in contact with air, start to produce acid which dissolves the original skin very fast, leaving close to no physical pieces to scavenge. As most shedding processes, the dying skin becomes duller and dim in coloration.
Additional Information
Social Structure
The caustic lizards live usually in solitary and compete a lot between each other for the food around. However, they are able to cooperate to hunt a larger prey if the region asks for it and food is becoming scarces. Females usually raise their offspring alone.
Uses, Products & Exploitation
In a more niche uses, some breweries, taverns and innkeepers look for magic-preservated caustic lizard stomach. Through an alchemical process, the lizard gets its stomach hole through the intestines closed and covered with a substance that simulates stomach activity when solid or liquid touches it, despite the animal being dead and stuffed by a taxidermist. Through this process, it becomes possible to activate the stomach acidic reaction, but with controlled acidity thanks to the alchemical solution. Thanks to that,it becomes possible to simulate a demijohn and use the stomach for alcoholic fermentation, by putting the recipe with flavors,yeast, sugar but also using the stomach altered reaction to create a unique sour strong taste. that goes very well with fruity beers. When the solution fermented enough, the user can squeeze and pull the lizard for it to spit the newly made alcoholic beer.
The origin of the process
The technique was not made originally for beer consumptions. In various demented experiments, Tranenfeldian Felix Buschbell usually used the process to create digestive poison that was odorless and easy to conceal after years of research.The solution was considered very inhumane as the victim would die of shock after getting their throat , stomach, intestines, and more, burned through by the acid. However, Tränenfeld's war on drugs put him in the red as he could not resell a huge amount of solution to thieves guilds because of the law active war on those. Now with a huge quantity of usable lizard stomach and alchemical solution, he went back to the alchemical lab. With a stroke of genius, he tried to make the solution reduce the acid's potency of the stomach. He then sold it en masse to tavern owners and breweries. Of course, he could hardly claim the recipe as his own to avoid curious lawmakers to ask about his process, so he took the money and hid himself. The process was then developed later by breweries that would hire adventure to get pristine caustic lizard bodies.Geographic Origin and Distribution
Caustic lizards are usually more found of plains and forest which contains a huge amount of berries, comestible flowers, and small animals to hunt. Their metabolism demand frequents feeding, and thus they avoid more scarce regions.
Average Intelligence
Average saurian animal intelligence. If they are uncertain of their prey's nature and risk to attack it, they will sneak and use their prehensile tongue to trip and entangle their prey.
Perception and Sensory Capabilities
The lizard have average hearing and sight, with no special adaptation or extrasensory means. they cannot see in complete darkness, but can see colors, which they usually base their threats on.
Scientific Name
15 years
Average Height
0.30 meters
Average Weight
20 kg
Average Length
1.0-1.3 meters
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
The more common body of caustic lizard are in shades of brown, cream, orange, and green, which varies depending on the ecosystem. But hey all have distinguishable yellow tinted eyes with a black pupil.