The astral rendezvous -in progress- Tradition / Ritual in Manarchy | World Anvil

The astral rendezvous -in progress-

STILL IN DEVELOPMENT, PLEASE DONT READ/COMMENT YET       "For shall we meet again, my friend, once our paths crosses back on this place, and may those time be one of stories and memories to share."


Variant 1 The story revolves around two friends that were followers of different deities, once being (), the patron of the sun, and the other, his concubine, patron of the moon. As their journey later came to an end, they were later asked by their church to tend the roads on a pilgrimage to help other regions around by spreading the faith and goodwill. As both departured, they however came to find themselves about a bit more than a year later nearby a inn on a crossroads, during the night of a lunar eclipse as they welcomed each other and shared their journeys along, they also lamented the fact it was probably a simple coincidence. as such, they decided to make their path as such that they would meet again eventually.   This became around a yearly occurence as both friends shared on their new stories to the one that could not experience it in their absence. Over time, this ritual among two friends became a popular anecdote among followers of each faith.   Serpentfolk variant In the serpentfolk lore, the event of lunar eclipse was deemed a manifest of the serpent god (,the consumer) as even the power of the ever consuming god could affect other celestial bodies even hidden by others. It was told the gaze of the devourer would be able to see even past any barriers. They were also the first to notice the planar alignment made it a perfect moment to open gates into other planes and manipulate the fabric of space. thanks to this discovery, serpentfolks learned the process of gate using and teleportation.


The festivities are open to the public in the original celebration. During those festivities, trade markets are often open to promote the desire to partake with others in trading and discovering new things.   The member of the clergy of both () and () partake in a communal religious ceremony at midnight or high noon depending on the occurrence of the celebrants during the moon and sun's alignment.


The ritual are always occuring during a lunar eclipse. In Arcamunda, the number of times you can expect a lunar eclipse are about two times per three years. There is to note that the event can happen on the opposite side of the planet which can celebrate it during the day.


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