Native Birthdays Tradition / Ritual in Malsuli | World Anvil
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Native Birthdays

Come, brother, stand tall, stand proud. You have survived what the soft civilized folk could never fathom. A year in the Badlands, a year in the desert. You've faced monsters and lived to tell the tale. You traveled the lands armed with nothing but your hunting gear and your wits. You have grown one year older, and gathered a years worth of experiences. A year well spent. Rejoice, for your next is still uncertain.
— One tribal member to another
The natives of Nolan celebrate a month worth of birthdays at a time. At the end of the month, they all gathered together around a bonfire, with whatever excess can be spared, and celebrate those who not only survived, but triumphed through a year in the Badlands. Everyone celebrates, dancing and drinking and eating. All of those who had a birthday are responsible from bringing in a beast to roast and eat as the main course during the festivities. The families of those who have a birthday often put on something a little extra, perhaps a gift, perhaps a luxurious item they acquire from the city.


The Natives have always celebrated life, in one form or another, and the celebration of another year alive became a welcomed break from the struggles of day-to-day life in the Badlands. With the arrival of the city, the Natives now have the opportunity to save up rare or unique goods, in order to trade them for a large amount of food and drink. As such, the festivities are also one of the times that the Natives feast recklessly, as, combined with the beast that the birthday members bring, there is often much food to be had.


The members of honor are those who had a birthday during the previous month, but everyone attends the ceremony. Of note is the Elder of the tribe, who visits each member with a birthday.


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