Amara Vaxalyn Character in Malkavia | World Anvil

Amara Vaxalyn

Amara Leandra Vaxalyn

"She's an elf with a death wish."   -Anyone who has ever met her

Physical Description

Identifying Characteristics

Facial tattoo: white line across her face with three small dots under the far corner of her eyes. This style of tattoo is given to an individual of the Solveig tribe when they come of age in tribute to the goddess Selûne. Amara chose to participate in this right of passage as an homage to her deceased mother.

Apparel & Accessories

Brown leather armor, teal tunic, dark purple fabric that she wears as a scarf or as a cloak when she needs to disappear in a crowd.

Specialized Equipment

Amara has received training in shortsword and bow, but she is specialized with the use of daggers in close quarters fighting.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Amara was born to two moon-elves names Leandra (mother) and Varis (father). Unfortunately Amara’s mother died giving birth to her so it was her father who raised her. The two were very close and would constantly travel due to her father’s line of work. Having fought in many major battles, her father had earned notability as one of the greatest elven fighters of his time. Because of this, the king of Alendel had decided to hire him as his Captain of the Royal Guard.   Of course being raised by a single father Amara learned a thing or two about fighting herself. She always had a knack for close quarters combat, especially using daggers, so this skill made her very valuable to the king. He decided not only should her father protect him, but that Amara should secretly pose as his daughter’s handmaiden but in reality be her body guard.   Amara and her Father were content with their current positions in the high elven court, but having been moon-elves who travelled, they didn’t always see eye to eye with the court’s view on other races.   A few years later, having settled into their new home and positions, an orc army invaded the kingdom by surprise. This resulted in them ambushing the king and Varis while they discussed daily matters, and both died as a result. Distraught after finding her father lying in the throne room full of crossbow bolts, she took the amulet of his deity as a reminder of him and fled the kingdom.   Amara is not sure who of her friends were able to escape the raid, so she just assumes everyone had died. Her thought was if her father, a great warrior managed to be killed, then everyone else didn’t stand a chance.   Since that day, Amara tended to travel from town to town, lost on what to do with her life now that she was all alone. In need of money, Amara turned to a local thieves guild called The Shroud that would post contracts for jobs that needed doing, most of which were smuggling jobs.




Handmaiden to princess Illnenia Faeleth of the Sun Elf court of Alendel Secret assassin for the King of Alendel Smuggler for The Shroud

Mental Trauma

Saw the mass genocide of her people, including her father, whom she was unable to say goodbye to because her duty saw her protecting the princess instead of fighting alongside her father and friends.

Personality Characteristics

Vices & Personality flaws

Impatient, Speaks before thinking


Contacts & Relations

Lethos, Hand of The Shroud
Chaotic Neutral
The Woods of Drumindor
Long, wavy, white
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
110 lbs
Aligned Organization
Known Languages
Common, Elvish, Goblin, Orc, Undercommon, Theives' Cant


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