Virre Geographic Location in Malify | World Anvil
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A vital source of fresh water to Teller Town and the settlements east of the town, the Virre also provides power in the form of waterwheels.  Small, flat-bottomed boats are able to move cargo up and down the river, from Lake Meralde near the Dragonbone Mountains to Teller Town on the coast.    The river is small by the standards of many, but it is the largest one on Egg Island.  Two streams are the primary sources, both issuing from the Dragonbone Mountains. The northernmost is also called The Virre and flows cold and clear through a portion of the Cloak Forest and into Lake Meralde. The second stream comes from a more southerly location and carries a milky green sediment which mostly settles out before reaching the lake.  Neither of these tributaries are navigable by any but the most sturdy and agile of small canoes.   Flowing out of the lake on the western edge, the Virre is wider and more placid. It is this portion that can be safely navigated, with the proper craft and the proper skills.  It spreads out as it exits the forest and moves into the plains. Various small villages have cut canals to bring the river nearer their homes and crops, but the canals cut back into the river past the communities, returning what wasn't used back to its source.     Upon reaching Teller Town and the ocean, it has become quite sluggish. It is subject to the ins and outs of the ocean tides and residents of the town will take advantage of this behavior and gather stranded fish and other river offerings.


Deep within the Dragonbone Mountains two streams form and run westward, joining at Lake Meralde. The northernmost stream is called the Virre and the river that flows out of the lake retains that name. The stream that comes up from the south is known as The Werdd.   At the western side of the the lake the waters travel towards the sea, exiting near Teller Town    The river sees mountains, the Cloak Forest, plains and assorted human settlements before it becomes part of the Western Ocean.


At the source of the northern Virre, the water is bitterly cold and harbors little large life. It is a valuable water source and the animals and birds of the mountains and forest make frequent use of it. As it moves out of the mountains and into the forest it slows, and you can see fish and water plants within its waters.  The fish eat the plants and each other. Birds and bears and other predators also eat the fish.  Berries grow thickly in many places and are welcome food for man and beast. Upon entering Lake Meralde many other creatures make use of the waters.  Fresh water crustaceans, additional varieties of fish, reeds, and willows abound and river otters make their home here.   The southern source is known as The Werdd and the waters exit the mountains full of a milky green sediment. It is harder for life to live in the oxygen poor waters, but it seems a pleasant environment for water plants so insects cluster thickly there, few aquatic predators make it prime breeding grounds. The plants help to extract the sediment, full of nutrients so it is nearly clear when the lake is reached.   Westward from Lake Meralde the river is clear, but becomes less so the further it travels as it collects mud and dirt from the open plains.  Fish are common still and a source of food for both humans and animals.
by Paul Siewert on Unsplash
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