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A gift from the Creator, those who possess Kehim (or Cehim) are able to do miraculous things. Said to derive directly from the Creator himself, it has been bestowed in abundance to those who have demonstrated both a willingness and a determination to use the power according to the will of the Creator.   While the greatest wielders of Kehim are those described above, it should not be implied that they are the only wielders. Even ordinary folk have been known to tap into this force, and accomplish amazing things. However, they cannot consistently yield it, and if they  attempt to use it for selfish reasons they will find it has left them. Nor can it be used in ways that would limit the power of people to make their own choices. For example, a person might feel the power and recognize that they should travel a certain direction, but can instead go a different route.   Kehim is a gift from the Maker, but there is a somewhat equivalent power said to be from the Destroyer It is a weak imitation, but does have power, both to aggrandize those who seek to dominate others and be worshiped by them. It can be used to compel the minds of humans, but only if they have chosen this path. It cannot override the agency of a person, but once that agency is freely given away then it becomes efficacious. It's often referred to by the same name, but it does have another, more accurate term, Duminiu


Origin & Source

Much discussion has and continues to take place regarding this power with no assured definitive answer. The general belief it is comes directly from the Creator and is innate in Him. He can allot a portion of the power to those He deigns.

History & Usage

Cultural Significance and Usage

Certainly a power possessed by those quasi-mythical beings, the Transcendents it is available to ordinary mortals as well.
See Summercamp 2020 for all my articles.
And when she was come among the people and saw their terror, she lifted her eyes heavenward and calling upon the Creator, commanded the floods to cease, and the waters to return to their bounds - and it was so. -- Fragment of unknown origin.


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