Melody Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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The Melody was the nom de plume of a traveling minstrel who accompanies the mysterious Father Decroux. The Melody was on hand when Decroux cursed the villagers of Barter's Edge with lycanthropy.   The Melody plays a pipe to accompany Father Decroux's sermons. Much of The Melody's true nature is cloaked in mystery. He wears a cowls at most all times and seemingly never talks. It was recently discovered, however, that the Melody is of fiendish origins and can communicate telepathically.   Melody and Father Decroux created a stronghold near Shanty’s Market below Damarask, where they horded their treasures and quartered a number of wererat followers.   The Melody was recently defeated at the hands of the Shore’s Light, who sent his spirit back to the Nine Hells.


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