Shakahn Character in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Goddess of Song and Story (a.k.a. The Keeper)

A member of the Reformed Pantheon of Malatoria, Shakahn is the Godess of Song and Story.  She is the sister of Mayrune.  She is frequently worshipped by bards, musicians, and storytellers.  To feel the pull of artistic inspiration is to "hear Shakahn's whispers."   She is also a trickster goddess and it is said that she can plant a lie so deep that it when it bears fruit it tastes of the truth.

Divine Domains

Twilight, Trickery, and Nature.

Divine Symbols & Sigils

Shakahn's symbol is taken from the crescent shape of a lyre engulfing or enfolding another crescent within.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

Shakahn is generally depicted as a large woman with long braids wearing an eyeless mask that bears an oversized grin.

Apparel & Accessories

In many depictions Shakahn carries one hand in front of her person, holding a pipe or flute; and the other behind her back with a sharpened quill.
Divine Classification


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