Fort Godwit Settlement in Malatoria | World Anvil
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Fort Godwit

Two days ride east of Damarask is Fort Godwit. Like its sister forts, Fort Kestrel, and Fort Kite, it serves as a forward military outpost and customs trading house for merchants en route to Damarask.   Positioned to the east of Damarask, Fort Godwit's military garrison helps protect a number of outlying farms that help supply food to the city.  It is also the busiest trading/customs house of the three forts, with its position receiving traffic from Lasthome, the Steppe Towns, the kingdom of Oryus, and others.       Merchants who wish to declare their goods for the city can do so at Fort Godwit, giving them faster access through the Damarask gates.    The Fort is currently overseen by Agg Trammell, a goliath commander from the Armsedge.


Most inhabitants of Fort Godwit are military from the Armsedge district of the city, working on month long rotations.  This rotation varies the demography of the fort from month to month but is generally a mix of human, gnome, goliath, and tiefling.


Wooden palisades surround the fort and a heavy fortified gate keeps the fort secure at night or when the need arises.  A number of higher wooden buildings on the inside provide space for archers to defend the walls and a pair of ballista atop towers in the north and south perimeter provide protection against larger foes.

Guilds and Factions

Like Fort Kite and Fort Kestrel, Fort Godwit is maintained by the Armsedge district in Damarask.  Due to its function as a customs house, however, a small retinue of merchants from the Tender also work to assist incoming merchants declare their goods en route to the city.

Points of interest

The Main Hall - where the soldiers common area, mess hall, custom's office, and officer's quarters (2nd floor) are located.  The office and quarters of Commander Ag Trammell are located here.    Barracks Halls - A number of Halls are located throughout the fort to house the soldiers.   The Training Yard - a large courtyard used to train soldiers.   The Smith - Abutting the training yard is the Ft. Godwit Smithy, run by the gnome Sorin Grimshivvles  The Stables - a large barn and corral within the fort protect the horses and make sure that there are always fresh mounts for soldiers.   The Livestock pen - Pigs and chickens are kept at a far corner of the fort.   The Aviary - A thin spire that keeps pigeons for dispatch to the city for urgent messages.


Most of the buildings within the fort are wood with thatched roofs.  The walls and floor of the main hall are more heavily fortified and made of stone.
Outpost / Base
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