Elemental Engorgement Condition in Magmoia | World Anvil

Elemental Engorgement

Utilizing an Elemental shard can give the wielder a considerable advantage in many varied situations, be it a sword that turns to ice as you cut your enemies down, or a polearm that blows over a full-grown man with the power of the wind, or a cloak that could hide the wearer in any environment.   With these exceptional gemstones takes fortitude to wield them that no everyone has, and it seems that the weak or faint of heart that attempt to use such powerful items have succumbed to a devastating sickness dubbed "Elemental Saturation."   The power from the magical gemstones will seep into the user; depending on the individuals' personality and strength, the elemental energy can be used as a tool or will seep into the body, poisoning it from the inside out.

Transmission & Vectors

Weak-minded individuals utilizing a gemstone with the elemental magic will have the power seep into their bodies. The energy will seep in as the power from the gem is released slowly in an aura around the item.   The Affliction is not known to become infectious as the damage is onset from the use of the elemental powers.


Environmental Factors are the only cause for the Condition. The user has to be in very close proximity, usually touching the gemstone or the Magical talisman that it sits to have any of the elemental power seep into the core of the wielder.   How the body handles those environmental factors determines if the individual is afflicted with the condition. Weak Individuals will be susceptible and will generally progress reasonably fast through the different stages, usually leading to death. Strong individuals will generally be able to fend off the saturation or require a small break to regain their strength. Some have been known not to be affected by the elemental powers at all, no matter how often they use any of the stones.


The Eight regions of Magmoia are known to have many varying types of Gemstones with different powers depending on the size of the gemstones and their colors. Any individual who experiences Elemental Engorgement will experience a slightly different effect as no gemstone is alike just as no individual who is weak of mind is the same either. Elemental Region of Air:   Breathing becomes more comfortable as the individual can breathe in more substantial breaths while also being able to exhale in large amounts. The power of the wind inside will cause the breath of the individual to become extremely labored as they are continually feeling like they are trying to breath in 200mph winds. At the same time, exhaling will be so violent that they will begin to destroy possessions, send large items flying, and even cause damage to buildings. Finally, the energy will become so strong that the individual will be swept away by an exhale so strong that they will be blown into the wind never to be seen again.   Elemental Region of Lightning:   As the elemental energy builds inside the extremities, begin to tingle as the nerves are burned away from the inside by strong electrical currents. They will begin to shock others around them with strong currents of electricity. If the abuse of the elemental powers continues, the body will charge with so much electrical energy that they will eventually burst in a beam of lightning as the energy has released the victim is left burning, and generally ripped in half by the extreme force from the power leaving the body.   Elemental Region of Fire:   Any Individual will generally start with an increase in body temperature or a possible cough that tastes of ash. Smoke coming from the ears or nostrils. Later stages see the individual with an extreme increase in body temperature to the point where anyone who touches them can receive severe burns. Extreme circumstances have seen some individuals get so hot that they melt to the floor like a mass of molten lava or burned from the inside out, leaving nothing but a smoking mass of charcoal.   Elemental Region of Water:   Perspiration from every available orifice begins to increase as the levels of water in the body rise. Constantly drooling or crying on themselves. Later stages will see the individual melt from the inside out as their body is converted into water and eventually soaks into the earth.   Elemental Region of Ice:   Individuals' body temperature will begin to drop as if they have a chill that will never go away, no matter how many blankets they throw on. Fingertips will turn bright blue as well as other small extremities. Later stages will see a frost move throughout the body that will eventually take over the individual, freezing them completely in magical ice that is near impossible to break.   Elemental Region of Earth:   Early stages have seen some to get extremely stiff bones/joints as the minerals of the bones are switched with rock minerals. Becomes hard to walk as the bones become heavy from the change in minerals. Skin will thicken like the bark on a tree while also changing colors like that of fertile earth. Weight an inability to walk in later stages will cause the individual to lose the ability to walk. Once the ability to walk is lost, many individuals will fall on the ground and be unable to stand again. Many will have their bodies returned to the earth.   Elemental Region of the Dark:   Skin will begin to change color as if the individual was rotting from the inside out. Teeth yellow and general body features begin to fail as if they had aged nearly 40 years. The body feels as if it has been poisoned with massive body aches and dark streaks under the skin as the blood vessels begin to fail and die. Painful and agonizing death as the individual rots from the inside out as they are alive. After too much internal structure damage, the individual will die and begin to exude a putrid stench of a poisoned body.       Elemental Region of the Light:   Will generally get what we call "Rainbow Sight" has been described as being able to see everything in life with much more vivid color as if you saw missing colors from the rainbow.   The enjoyment does not last long as soon the amount of light ends up burning the eyes of the individual, causing them to go blind.   As the light energy builds inside, a bright light can be seen in the abdomen as the energy pools in the central portion of the body.   After enough building from the light energy, the beam of light will burst from the individual in a beam of colorful light as the energy escapes into the atmosphere the individual is left


The only treatment known is to remove one's self from the Elemental Talisman or Elemental Power.   Removing the afflicted from the environmental source will cause the body to heal as it removes the energy from its system.


If the item that is causing the illness is removed from immediate contact, the individual will generally see a full recovery.   If the item is not removed or continued to be used in excess the individual will die a painful death as the elemental energy inside of them will release at one point leaving them empty and broke.

Cover image: Wizard Sleeping WDFC by Jesse


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