Rexilan Ethnicity in Magarth | World Anvil
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Rexilians are saurians inhabiting the forests of Fogahral. They are known for their long history and elaborate cultural rituals that often result in warfare when one side makes a mistake. Rexilian national borders are constantly shifting as a result of skirmishes and the rising and falling of charismatic leaders. The northern forests, rich in natural and cultural resources, is a coveted region and it's not uncommon for an upstart saurian leader to march their people northward to conquer land and establish a new country.
  Rexilians are known for their sophisticated architecture. From simple wood and stone, rexilians can create massive structures that can hold far more mass than any conventional building. They have developed unique techniques for binding wood and stone together with various resins that result in a more structurally sound composite. These materials are necessary to support the bulk of a rexilian family and to defend against the siege weapons of rival nations.
  Rexilians have developed mutualistic relationships with their more bestial dinosaur cousins. Rexilians have bred dinosaurs that are stronger and more solid than natural dinosaurs, allowing these creatures to accompany rexilians as mounts and guardians. Rexilians do not domesticate dinosaurs. They view themselves as protectors and guide dinosaurs to be the best they can be.
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