Oz'lu Ethnicity in Magarth | World Anvil
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The Oz'lu serpentfolk inhabit the hubward peninsular of Fogahral. They have been isolated from their Sekmin cousins for over two thousand years and no longer remember there are any other serpentfolk on Magarth. In fact the oz'lu are isolated from all other sapient life as few Rake kobolds cross the icy pole.
  The oz'lu long ago deposed the zyss and now leadership positions in the settlements are held by aapoph. Zyss are still occasionally born, but are not raised to see themselves as any better than their peers and usually end up in advisory roles where they can support and guide their leaders. Without zyss intelligence, the oz'lu technology levels are significantly behind that of other nations and their access to magic is also diminished. They are however still physically powerful and defend their lands effectively.


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