Glanzender Settlement in Magarth | World Anvil
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Glanzender is a small walled town servicing the nearby diamond mine.
  Glanzender is a popular trade destination for the diamonds it supplies. It also exports timber logged in the forest across the river to the south. It has a small port servicing traders and log floats down to Lake Ryna.


The mining population of a couple of hundred of people are made up of primarily dwarves, gnomes, humans and some trox and goblinoids. The town is also home to many halflings and some elves.


Glanzender is administrated by the local lord, Duke Axel Masson and his wife Duchess Anita Masson. They maintain a small family guard and rule from their keep on the northern edge of the Fladow river. Their keep is built into and forms part of the wall surrounding the town. Their estate lands exists both within and without the wall. One of the main gates to the town is adjacent to the keep. The Masson's administrate the mine and all production from it is stored in their keep. They tax the local population 40% of trade and 20% of the farming output of the surrounding lands. The Masson's owe fealty to the Falhakian crown and in turn pay taxes on their take.


The town is walled and several farms of the Masson estate are kept safe between walls and the river and walled off from the town. The Masson keep is walled in and the keep itself is well built to guard against attack. The town gates are solid portcullises that can be rapidly dropped as needed. They are slow to open, requiring several strong people to drive the winches.

Industry & Trade

The majority of the town's profit stems from the diamond mine. The majority of the towns food comes from the surrounding farms which are fairly productive in the rich, volcanic soil. Large, tropical forests are found south, across the river, and are the town's source of lumber. This lumber is floated down river to Lake Ryna.


West of the town is the mine near the river. Several watermills are powered by the river to aid in the mine works. There are dozens of wells in the town that draw water from the relatively high water table.


The town has the mining and processing district just inside the western wall, north of the keep. Known for corrosive fumes, this is the Char District. In the center of town is the residential and artisan Twilight District and to the south is the Low Road and district. North of the walls is the Noonmarket district.

Guilds and Factions

The gemcutter's guild and the miner's guild are both present in the city and have a fair amount of sway. There is a lumberjack guild that has fairly recently established itself.


Glanzender was founded as a farming settlement for its position on the river, near the bridge. It continued to grow as the fertile soil proved productive and the river served as protection from many dangers. 120 years ago, diamonds were discovered in the river and the Duke Masson of the time claimed ownership of any that were found. He organised exploration and located the source of the diamonds and began excavation that continues to this day.


Glanzender is nestled in a meander of the Fladow river. To the north and east are the foothills leading towards the Whispering Mountains.

Natural Resources

Diamonds from a large volcanic tube. The excavation of these gems also produces volcanic stone as a byproduct.


  • Glanzender Map
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization


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