Yesona Wolfheart Character in Maelan | World Anvil

Yesona Wolfheart

Mortal Blade Yesona Wolfheart

Yesona Wolfheart is the Mortal Blade of the Wolves of Summer. Her half-elven ancestry led to a life filled with challenges, that put her survival instincts to the test. She joined the Wolves from an early age, having been picked up from the streets of Sedem Lux.   Over the years she climbed through the ranks of the Wolves and was the natural choice when it was time for the old Mortal Blade to depart. While she was the natural choice, there are also those among the Wolves who do not agree with her.
Year of Birth
180 EoL 32 Years old
dark green
long, straight, black
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
1.73 m
Aligned Organization

Character Portrait image: by Gillesketting