Marie Lévesque’s Diary - October 2, 1959

October 2, 1959

Today I am once more embarking upon a brand new life. Even though it has been eight years now, it seems like only yesterday that my parents were killed in the fire, and I left the home where I grew up, and everything and everyone I knew so well, to come here to this new country and start over with a new house, new family, new friends, even a new language! And now I am about to do the same thing yet again. I have been given a wonderful opportunity! At least that is what my uncle says. And right now I am inclined to agree with him.

I have accepted a position with the Coffin family. They are super-rich and own just about everything in town. My Uncle Paul works for them in the lumber mill, and I think he had something to do with my getting this new job. But he insists he did not. From now on I will be living at Coffinhurst on Garrison Hill, working as governess to the Coffin children. I cannot count how many times I have looked up at this magnificent old mansion and wished I could live in a big house one day. So today is like a dream come true.

The pay is much better than I was making as a schoolteacher, with my room and board included! I have a wonderful suite of two rooms on the third floor, with beautiful views of the gardens and the river from my bedroom window. And the people have been so kind and friendly, especially Mrs. Coffin, the mistress of the house. Though I have not yet met the children, I am certain we shall get along well. I should have no doubt I will be very happy here.

I was so anxious to embark upon my exciting new career that I had all my bags and boxes packed last night. This morning, about 7 o’clock, a big black car arrived at my Uncle Paul’s house to pick me up and bring me here to Coffinhurst. As I said my goodbyes to Uncle Paul and Aunt Janelle, the driver, who introduced himself as Chester, placed my belongings in the luggage compartment. Strangely, just as I was about to get into the car, everything got very quiet. There was no wind, no sound of rustling leaves. Even the birds stopped singing.

Then it was as if the morning had become the evening, gradually turning darker, and darker still, as the rising sun was slowly obscured by the black shadow of the moon. It was a solar eclipse! The whole thing lasted about twenty minutes, just long enough for us to drive in gloomy darkness from my uncle’s house to Coffinhurst, before the sun re-emerged, and full daylight finally reappeared as Chester parked the car at the front door. What an auspicious beginning! I hope it was not a bad omen for the future.


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