Travis Loreti Character in M'Zeri | World Anvil

Travis Loreti (Truh-Ah-vis)

Travis Loreti is the head scientist that was promoted to work on developing the Phase 3 Nanotypes after the breakdown of Neuronet and the Ibatian branch of Omicron Incorporated.   While he's happy to have been promoted, Travis worries that he was only put in the position to be the scapegoat if anything goes wrong.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Travis wears casual smart clothing, with a white lab coat.

Mental characteristics

Education & Employment

Travis has good grades in school, and had gotten a degree in Chemistry. He took various assistant jobs on research projects, being hired by Neuronet originally to help with the construction of the Phase 2 Nanotypes. After the breakdown of Neuronet he was kept on the job, being promoted to work on developing the Phase 3s.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Observant - Travis is very good at pick up of subtle and small things.
  • Organised - Travis likes to keep his space tidy and organised, and it able to streamline projects to work more efficently.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Neurotic - Travis is usually anxious and/or nervous, even if things seem to be going well.
  • Pushover - While Travis doesn't always agree with it, he is easily persuaded to go through with orders.


Family Ties

Travis gets along okay with his family, though he doesn't see them often.

Other Relationships

  • Christopher Green - Travis has a lot of respect for Christopher and his work. The fact he was killed by a Nanotype makes Travis feel uncomfortable with his own work.
  • Ellie Westfall - Travis is very uncomfortable around Ellie, though he is very interested in her work.
26 (Neuronet)
Date of Birth
17th May 2524nb
Skin Tone/Pigmentation


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