Magnus Freyman Character in M'Zeri | World Anvil

Magnus Freyman

Magnus Freyman

Magnus is the son of Jesimiel Freyman and Erin Morgan. He was raised in a cult ran by his grandfather but grew to resent how his mother was treated by the community. He killed his grandfather and a number of other high ranking members of the cult before fleeing.   Magnus currently lives out in the wilderness in a cabin, only heading out to civilization to sell meat and pelts or to acquire tools. However, he doesn't only hunt animals and will go after an occasional visitor to the forest.

Physical Description

Apparel & Accessories

Magnus wears a brown coat and buttoned-up shirt as well as black trousers and brown boots. When in civilization, Magnus wears sunglasses to hide his eyes as people treat him differently otherwise.

Mental characteristics

Education & Employment

Magnus was given a biased education while living in the cult and had very restricted access to what he could read into, which lead into his interest in survival and hunting.

Personality Characteristics

Virtues & Personality perks

  • Friendly - Magnus comes of as friendly and helpful when interacting with others, until it's time for the mask to come off.
  • Blunt - Magnus is usually straight to the point and doesn't use flowery language.

Vices & Personality flaws

  • Misanthropic - Magnus has a cynical view of the Human race.

Likes & Dislikes


  • Outdoors - Magnus finds the outdoors to be very peaceful and relaxing.
  • Killing - Magnus developed a thrill for killing others.


  • Perfume - Magnus finds most perfumes to smell terrible.
  • Cities - Magnus dislikes the hustle and bustle of cities and large towns.


Family Ties

  • Erin Morgan - Magnus loved his mother a lot, though didn't understand why she was distant with him at times.
  • Jesimiel Freyman - Magnus never knew his father that well, only things what others have told him.
  • Erebus - Magnus blames Erebus for the treatment of his parents and decided to take things into his own hands.

Other Relationships

  • Penelope Cordova - Magnus found himself feeling sympathetic to Penelope. He finds her amusing enough to agree to teach her about survival and 'becoming stronger'.
  • Reuben McCarty - Magnus found Reuben to be pathetic for preying on a child and has no issue in having him killed.
28 (The War)
Date of Birth
23rd December 2578nb
Green, dull
Messy light brown hair
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Other Affiliations


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