The Triumvirate Organization in Lurra | World Anvil
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The Triumvirate

While not an official organization in any legal sense, The Triumvirate is nevertheless the most unquestionably powerful group of individuals east of The Lines. The Triumvirate has for generations been comprised of the same three seats of power: the Prime Minister of The Republic of Adria (currently Andreas Remonnet), the Bey of the Brauron region Beylik (currently Thurigit Embermaul), and the High Priest of The Ikeran Priesthood (currently Kephinshtalajik Vesgun). In combination, these figures represent the combined resources of all three geopolitical entities. It is only by this union - the Republic's financial, agricultural, and personnel assets; Brauron's military might and mineral wealth; and Metriash's all-important Night Veil - that the eastern lands have been kept free from The Dim and the onslaught of the Grays for centuries.

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