Bey Thurigit Embermaul Character in Lurra | World Anvil
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Bey Thurigit Embermaul

Lady Thurigit Embermaul is the current Bey of Brauron, and has been for 166 years (since 6991 AT). She is the first female Bey, and thus occasionally comes under additional criticism - which is usually silenced quickly by her deep wisdom and/or unrivaled ferocity in combat (she was once a White Pauldron). As Bey of the Brauron Beylik, she is one of the three members of the Triumvirate.


Thurigit is wise and just, having lived through many decades of harrowing war. She has seen countless brave men and women die - many carrying out her orders but simultaneously preserving the lives of countless more. The only thing that tries her patience is anything or anyone that would impede (or question the value and valor of) the defense of The Brauron Line. And indeed, should someone dare to do so in her presence, they will quickly find they cannot stand before her knowledge of history, her love of her people, and her own personal sacrifice. She is articulate, confident, and powerful - though potentially traditionalist to a fault.

WANTS - Honor and respect for the Brauron people (and their sacrifices).
FEARS - Any new policies, weak leaders, or other destabilizing factors that might allow Brauron to crumble under its intense responsibility.
Year of Birth
6933 AT 224 Years old
Current Residence
Deep, navy blue
Black with gray streaks - many thick braids
Skin Tone/Pigmentation
Pale, tough
Aligned Organization

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