Irune Sea Geographic Location in Lurra | World Anvil
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Irune Sea

The Irune Sea is a very large inland sea off the eastern coast of Metriash, which also sits cleanly between The Republic of Adria and The Kyrtesian Commonwealth. A northern arm of the sea, known as the straight of Elleserin, cuts west, terminating in a bay that just barely borders the eastern edge of Brauron, where the port city of Chalina sits at the mouth of the Bilge-Lee River. The northernmost shores of the sea lie in frigid climates, where the waters become impassable to ships during the harsh winters. Further south, however, the more temperate climate is moderated even further by the sea, making for generally pleasant conditions in cities like Islingrey and the mighty Athexand.

The Ikeran Priesthood's protection from The Dim extends over the entire sea, though some have deemed this wasteful in recent years - particularly as Kyrtesian lands no longer supply shipments to aid the war effort. Also, even free from the curse's influence, the Irune Sea is vast enough that numerous dangerous creatures prowl its depths just the same.

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