Tremad Tribes Organization in Lumenos | World Anvil
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Tremad Tribes

Demography and Population

There are large expanses of land that are unoccupied. Each tribe is nomadic so the population of the tribes are always moving. There is not an actuate count of population for more tribes, there is not even an accurate count of number of tribes. Almost every tribe is expanding and when they reach a point where they cannot provide for everyone, half the tribe will leave and tame a new mount or find a new great tree.


The Tremad Tribes control all the land between the southern Saratin Mountains and northern Uratin Mountains. The Golden Expanse is home to many of the dinosaur mounted tribes. The Redmoss Pass, Stone Hill Forest, and Greywood Forest are inhabited by the Tremad tree tribes. Few of the dinosaur tribes will cross the Redmoss and due to the lack of trees few of the tree tribes will live within the Golden Expanse.


The Tremad Tribes have some of the most feared mounted warriors in all of Lumenos. Small groups of these warriors have been brought to the Southern Kingdoms and other places to serve as mercenaries. The Tremad Tribes have both Mounted Archers and Spirit Callers. Depending on the tribe there can easily be 3-5 thousand archers or callers. Another large part of a tribe's military is the tree or dinosaur that the city is built on. The large dinosaur tribe mounts of the east are fierce and powerful creatures capable of withstanding a small army all by itself. The great trees of the west whole strange and magical creatures that would rather die than see the tree harmed. These magical beings have conjured hurricanes, split the earth, and even summoned plagues in the defense of a great tree.

Foreign Relations

To the north are the Shalfros Tribes. Following the great split when Wood Elves and Snow Elves became two different people the tribes got along fine and traded regularly. However, following the Corruption of the Night Elves and the Last Night in Lannlune the Shalfros Tribes have refused to speak to any of the Tremad Tribes. Many of the Shalfros will attack a Tremad on sight north of the Uratin Mountains.   To the south are the Stone Cities of Spire. The Tremad Tribes will go south through the Saratin Pass and into the Stone Cities. They will trade barter and tell tales. There have been few issues between the two groups, other than some damages to an establishment or city wall. Each of the cities has at least two places set outside the city for a dinosaur tribe mount to stop and rest while the tribe itself spends time within the walls.   Under Spire there are the Night Elf Kingdom. The Tremad Tribes and the kingdom will trade regularly, however, Night Elves are not welcome inside a tribe or to walk above ground. Relations between the two groups are tense but Drizlash requires things from the Tremad Tribes so all Night Elves will keep the peace, for as long as they are ordered.   The other continents are of little concern to the Tremad people. They will occasionally send a group of women to go fight for a reward but that is the extent of their interaction. Most of these nations prefer to let the Stone Cities serve as the mediator between them and the tribes, should they need to trade with them.

Agriculture & Industry


Within each of the tribes gardens and a few small farms can be found. These are normally marinated by the men of the tribe. They will grow herbs, food, and some fabrics. There is a focus on herbs and fabrics over food, given most food can be gathered or hunted. Healing herbs are not always found when they are needed so growing them allows for more reliable access to them. The same goes for fabrics, however, these are normally reserved for the more wealthy of the tribe. Leathers are worn by the less wealthy men.


Many different wooden or clay crafts and objects are produced by the tribes. Ceramics are central to Tremad living standards. Brick and wooden buildings are quite common as well. There are few metal objects unless they are imported from the Night Elf Kingdom or Stone Cities of Spire.

Animal Husbandry

The single largest industry for any of the Tremad tribes. Taming dinosaurs for work, food, and ridding are central to the Tremad economy. Large herds will follow behind the great tribe mounts or congregate near the great trees. They will be used for clearing paths for the tribe, slaughtered for food and leathers, and of course used by the Tremad Mounted Archers and Tremad Spirit Callers as mounts.

Trade & Transport


Everyday transactions are conducted by exchanging goods and services for other goods and services. Outsiders and larger transactions can be done in the form of bone coins. These coins all have a picture of a good that they represent. For example, one that is worth an Allosaurus would have an image of an Allosaurus on it. These coins are given by the matron mothers and will be honored by the mothers if returned to them.


The western Tree Tribes rarely travel all the way to the Stone Cities of Spire or underground to the Night Elf Kingdom so any trade that is wanted must be first given to the Dinosaur Tribes of the east. The Dinosaur Tribes will take any requests from the Tree Tribes and trade for those items. Due to the dangers of the dinosaur mounts most nations prefer to left the Night Elves and Stone Cities trade with the Tremad Tribes.   Imports The Tremad Tribes are highly self sufficient and generally do not import much. Things they will occasionally import are metal worked goods from the Night Elf Kingdom and fine or luxury goods from the Stone Cities of Spire. Luxury goods could be exotic animals or alcohol, foreign slaves, tapestries and other art pieces, and new animals.


Exporting meat, wood, leather, trained dinosaurs, slaves, and bricks are common for all tribes. These will be traded primarly to the Night Elf Kingdom and Stone Cities of Spire.


Tremad children are thought reading, writing, and counting by their fathers. If the child is a girl she will be taught hunting, spirit calling, and ridding by her mother. Boys will learn self care, artisan skills, and homekeeping from their fathers. There is no formal education system within the tribe other than that. Some of the wealthier tribeswomen will bring tutors from far off lands to teach their children rare or unseen skills. This tutoring is most common when teaching 'dragon magic', the Tremad way of referring to arcane magic.


Within a tribe there are clear roads or paths connecting all buildings, a sewage system to take waste out of the tribe, and an advanced aqueduct system of getting water up from the ground onto the top of the mount or great tree. These systems are controlled by the matron mothers. Repairing or building them is seen as a great honor so no artisan would dare charge the mothers for this.

Current Date -
The Yet Unnamed Year of 1494 ce

Geopolitical, Nomadic tribe
Government System
Power Structure
Economic System
Barter system
Bone Coins
Legislative Body
Matron Mothers
Judicial Body
Tribal Council
Executive Body
Matron Mothers
Official State Religion
Official Languages
Related Ethnicities

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