Ignisar Geographic Location in Lumen Expanded Universe | World Anvil


Planet Name: Ignisar   Sentient Species: Draken   Unique Features: This planet is more like a mix of Earth and Draconis climate, combining a rocky planet with one huge ocean and active volcanoes with strips of lush rainforest-like environments. This planet was secretly built by the remaining Drakens after the war (After 145,000) to replace their homeworld and for them to rebuild their civilization.  

Climate and Geography

  A unique blend of Earth and Draconis climates. Predominantly rocky terrain with one massive ocean. Active volcanoes are scattered across the landscape. Strips of lush rainforests resembling Earth's tropical environments. Fabricated by the Draken post-145,000 as a sanctuary and rebuilding ground for the Draken.  


  It supports diverse flora and fauna adapted to variety of climates. Volcanic areas host unique, heat-tolerant species. Rainforests are rich in biodiversity, providing ample hunting grounds for the Draken. Ignisar is host to a variety of aquatic life hand selected throughout the  

Cultural and Historical Significance

  Built secretly by the Draken after the loss of their original homeworld. Reflects the Draken's reverence for elemental forces, especially fire and earth. Architectural and artistic influences are evident in the construction and design of settlements.  

Atmospheric Composition of Ignisar


Primary Gases

  • Nitrogen: 65% - Predominant in the atmosphere, providing a stable basis for the wide range of ecosystems, from volcanic plains to dense rainforests.
  • Oxygen: 20% - Higher than Draconis to support the more complex, Earth-like biodiversity within the rainforests and aquatic environments, as well as to accommodate the Drakens' respiratory needs in their evolved state.
  • Carbon Dioxide: 13% - Sufficient to sustain a strong greenhouse effect, nurturing the rainforest regions and maintaining warm temperatures conducive to the Drakens' comfort, similar to their original homeworld.
  • Water Vapor: Variable, typically around 2% - Essential for maintaining humidity levels that support the rainforest environments and the extensive aquatic life within Ignisar’s massive ocean.
  • Sulfur Dioxide: 0.5% - Present due to volcanic activity, but at a controlled level that does not harm the inhabitants or overly acidify the rain, blending aspects of Draconis without compromising livability.
  • Argon and Other Noble Gases: 0.49% - Trace amounts for atmospheric stability, including neon, helium, and krypton.
  • Trace Components

  • Volcanic ash is periodically injected into the atmosphere by active volcanoes, contributing to the fertility of the soil in surrounding areas and supporting the growth of the rainforests.
  • Specific engineered microbes that break down any toxic byproducts of volcano eruptions or unnatural imbalances, ensuring the atmosphere remains hospitable for all life forms.
  • The Draken's capability to completely engineer Ignisar from scratch highlights their advanced understanding of planetary ecosystems and atmospheric sciences. By creating a world that honors their past and cherishes new life, the Draken demonstrate their resilience, adaptability, and deep respect for both their heritage and the cosmos's diverse natural forces. This atmospheric composition facilitates a thriving civilization that integrally respects the elemental forces fundamental to their identity, ensuring Ignisar's place as a testament to the Draken's indomitable spirit and ingenuity.
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