Draconis Geographic Location in Lumen Expanded Universe | World Anvil


Located in the Drago Galaxy in the Darsata System.


Dominated by rocky, harsh terrain. Characterized by extreme temperatures, indicating a scorching environment. Abundant volcanic activity, with numerous active volcanoes shaping the landscape.


Sparse due to the extreme and volatile environment. Predominantly barren landscapes with pockets of life around less hostile regions.

Fauna & Flora

Adapted flora and fauna capable of surviving in high temperatures and volcanic areas.


As the original homeworld of the Draken, it is central to their culture and identity. The architecture and settlements, dome-shaped structures with material resembling scales on the outside, reflect the need for protection against harsh environmental conditions. Important historical and religious sites, related to their worship of elemental deities, especially fire.   The destruction of Draconis in the year 145,000 had a profound impact on Draken society. Triggered the dispersal of the Draken across the universe and influenced their decision to build Ignisar secretly. Left a legacy of distrust and turmoil in the aftermath of the war with the Lumen.
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Inhabiting Species


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