Khan Rank/Title in Lukomorye | World Anvil
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A khan is the overlord of the Kochmak Ulus (or Empire). To be recognized as khan, you must belong to the Kokchon dynasty, which rules by right of conquest (and the mandate of their sky-god Tengri). In earlier times, khans belonged to other Kochmak and non-Kochmak dynasties, but now there is only one. Typically, khans are children of khans, though the Kochmaki do not practice primogeniture, and there is often strife between children of different consorts after the old khan dies. Traditionally, the new khan is selected by an assembly called the kurultai, though often a candidate is effectively pre-approved before the actual meeting takes place.   Though some khans take a hands-on approach to governing, more often than not, a khan is a ceremonial figurehead who elicits a near-religious veneration from subjects, but makes few political decisions. As a khan is the descendant of a divine line, he is supposedly endowed with magical power. Khans often cannot be approached by mere mortals directly: they have to be separated by a veil, stand at a respectful distance, and never turn their back on the khan in his presence. Mortals also cause a khan's blood to fall on the ground - a member of the dynasty who must be put to death can be trampled or strangled, but never cut in any way. A female khan or the consort of a khan is called khatun.   As a universal ruler and suzerain over the lands of Nor', a Khan is also regarded as Tsar by the Noriki. Priests say a prayer for the Khan as Tsar during Nedelia service every week, and in return, the Khan absolves the Church of taxation. Khans also appoint the Grand Prince of Bogumil, who exercises seniority among other Noriki princes.
Nobility, Hereditary
Alternative Naming
Kaghan, Tsar
Source of Authority
Divine appointment by Tengri, Lord of the Sky


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