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You peek out from the building you had hidden behind. These strange creatures, they are nothing like you have ever seen before. You entered this town because you hoped that it would be a safe place to sleep for a night, but you never imagined that this would be what it contained. The citizens float through the air, drifting down the street soundlessly. This town is so silent, none of the expected sounds are present. The citizens have massive, pointed ears that flick around, seemingly listening to sounds that aren't there. Their faces are marred with many deep purple lines, but some have these lines on their bodies too. They clearly aren't safe to be around. Just being near here gives you chills. You turn away, and skitter back into the forest you came from. This town is not worth it.

Basic Information


Moonfolk are bipedal, but have thin and withered legs. Their heads are positioned above their hips, and their feet are close to the ground. They have two legs and two arms. Their ears are large and batlike, and their faces have dark purple lines streaking along them. Their skin is quite smooth and is between light and dark purple-gray in color.

Genetics and Reproduction

Very fast, twins and triplet very common with single children rare and quadruplets moderately common. Gestation period of only 3 months. They have both male and female genitalia, as well as both eggs and sperm. They cannot fertilize themselves, and who provides which compound is entirely up to their whims. The baby is grown in whichever parent donates the egg.

Growth Rate & Stages

The babies are extremely small, at only 10 inches long on average and only weigh around 3-4 pounds. They grow extremely swiftly and are 4ft tall by age 3 and tend to have a voracious appetite. At their 5th birthday, they will fall into a hibernation for around a month, which they will emerge from levitating. They will also gain their facial markings after their hibernation, and their limbs will be severely atrophied. While they can walk after this, it takes years to relearn how, and their magical abilities are correlated to their levitation.

Ecology and Habitats

They can survive in many places, as long as they are able to levitate and have access to magic. They have magical hunger that can only be quelled by consuming magical blood, the blood of a magical creature. This is typically one of the most commonly sold items in their societies, but can be harder to obtain outside of native societies. They prefer a warmer climate but can live in a colder one, they suffer in arctic or desert.

Dietary Needs and Habits

They are primarily carnivorous, due to the requirements for blood. They eat plants only as supplements to their diet.

Biological Cycle

Their facial stripes glow in moonlight, but otherwise they are not affected by seasons or time.

Additional Information

Social Structure

They have a social structure very specifically centered around intelligence, as there is no physical difference in sex. They have a relatively strong basis for equality, and really only rulers are considered above others. There is very little aristocracy.

Facial characteristics

Grayish purple with markings of a dark purple that come from the edge of the head and come together on a small circular marking that is ideally in the middle of the forehead, considered most beautiful. It does appear in other places, but this is considered less appealing.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They live almost solely in Andria due to the high abilities to access magical blood. If they do not consume this blood they will lose their magic as well as their levitation, which is very crippling to them, so they will not leave areas that have easy access to blood.

Average Intelligence

They are on average incredibly intelligent due to their inborn telepathy and ability to learn quickly, with an average intelligence of 15.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

30ft telepathy, can sense any other moonfolk within 30ft

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They have no real concept of gender, with it mostly only being used in communication with others. Some will choose a gender, but names really aren't used with that. Their names tend to be easy to speak with a more closed-mouth sound, due to their sharp teeth. They almost always have names that can be pronounced without the tongue rubbing against the teeth.  Common names - Erable, Mir, Lune, Ciel, Nuit, Rose, Soleil, Ete, Hiver, Tomber, Bijou, Fleur, Vanille, Sol.

Beauty Ideals

Their standards of beauty are much more strict than other races. Their head spots are considered more beautiful if they are centered on the middle of the forehead. Their spiral patterns are also considered more beautiful if they are complex and spirally. They will often decorate their faces with intricate patterns in many colors as a form of make-up.

Gender Ideals

They have almost no concept of gender due to the lack of difference in sex. They are pretty neutral regarding reproduction, and it typically comes down to the whims of the parents.

Courtship Ideals

They tend to appreciate subtle flirting and gentle dates. Under the light of the moon, however, they will often party and be immensely affectionate with each other.

Relationship Ideals

They tend to have multiple relationships in a life, only really staying together for long enough to raise children. They tend to fall out of love easily, finding it difficult to stay in a relationship for long periods of time, but it is generally accepted that if they decide to have children they must either give the children to others before the age of three months or raise it until ten years old.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They do not have a spoken language, and will communicate telepathically with others of the same species. Their telepathic language is inherently known from birth, but they will not gain the capacity to speak until they reach levitation age. Many learn commoners tongue or other native dialects in order to further cross-species relationships.

Common Etiquette Rules

Physical contact is considered highly inappropriate in daylight, with no one other than family and very close significant others being allowed physical contact. Even small things like hand-holding are considered very open and dramatic declarations of affection. Physical contact is considered almost sacred, and only for very close relationships. At night, under the light of the moons, it is considered somewhat more acceptable, with hugs and even more intimate exchanges being had.

Common Dress Code

They do not have a remarkably strict dress code, though it is socially unacceptable to not be clothed from the waist down. It is common for Moonfolk to adorn themselves in fanciful jewelry and colorful clothing that contradicts their rather plain coloration. Many will also paint their bodies in swirls that match their facial patterns, making that specific dark purple colored paint quite commonly sold.

Culture and Cultural Heritage

Originally moonfolk were startled by their own intelligence, which was gifted to them by the Kind One. They worked to develop many things that they were not capable of before. They are rumored to have been created in the Kind Ones image. They enjoy art, and tend to depict themselves. Their art often has their markings covering their entire bodies, leading to warped perceptions by outside species. Body art is also remarkably popular, with most children being encouraged to perform it from young ages. They are particularly fond of dance, creating an entire new type of dance known as Parime. It is done completely without touching the other participant, and is widely regarded as beautiful. It is typically accompanied by percussion and wind instruments like bone flutes and cotton drums.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

They perform services to their primary diety, the Kind One, once monthly. They tend to be joyous in the summer seasons, and asking for safety in the colder months. They celebrate this when the second moon is full. It is common for children to have their birthdays as well as their waking days celebrated with food.

Common Taboos

Touching others is relatively taboo, with physical contact frowned upon unless between family members or significant others.
Moonfolk traits
  • Size: large
  • Speed: 30ft
  • Vision: No darkvision
  • Languages: Common tongue, telepathy (moonfolk)
  • Ability scores: +2 to intelligence, +1 to wisdom, -2 to strength
  • Levitation: You hover between 1 inch and 3 feet above the ground, which you can control at will. You are unaffected by difficult terrain and your fall damage is halved.
  • Telepathy: You can speak to other moonfolk via telepathy when they are within 30ft of you. 
  • Night Markings: After the sun goes down, you shed bright light in a 10ft radius and dim light in a 20ft radius. 
  • Magical hunger: You gain a thirst for magical blood. If you go three days or more without consuming magical blood you lose your magical abilities as well as your ability to levitate. 
Scientific Name
Moonius Folkius
50 years
Conservation Status
This species is not under any form of protection as they are quite widespread.
Average Height
Average Weight
Average Physique
They are usually quite thin and not very muscular. They can build up muscles in their arms, but their legs have very little ability to ever build muscles. They have an average strength of 7.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
From light grayish purple to a much darker grayish purple. They only have markings on their face and head, the rest of their body is solid color. They do grow hair, but it is culturally practiced to shave it.
Geographic Distribution


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