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Mitzal Sprite

Basic Information


The sprites alone look like somewhat generic humanoids, with two relatively lanky legs and arms as well as long, hairless wings. They typically are very small maxing out at around 4 feet in height, with wings that reach around 5-6 feet in length. However, what is truly unique about them are the symbiotic entities that exist in their bloodstream and throughout their body. They are so thoroughly intertwined that any attempt to separate them has resulted in death for both. This symbiotic organism is technically a fungus, but has somewhat evolved into something more. Physically, it exists in every single part of a Mitzal sprite's entity, enhancing their strength, resilience, and agility. In appearance they have depending on their subspecies either soft, colorful skin that blooms with flowers and exudes a pleasant scent, or harder tough skin what is in several shades of green and grey. Flower sprites often have large blooming seeds that spread from their skin, hair, and release intoxicating fumes. Mushroom sprites often have large mushroom caps that sprout from their skin and a large cap instead of hair, and are physically more stout and sturdy.

Biological Traits

While the default sprite is a simple humanoid with a fungal heart and long wings, mushroom sprites are typically shorter and stockier, while flower sprites are often taller and lankier.

Genetics and Reproduction

Interestingly enough, who can reproduce with is impacted not so much by typical sex assignments, but by subspecies. Mushroom and flower sprites are not biologically compatible with their own subspecies, as the symbiotic spores cannot reproduce with each other. While offspring are possible, they are unhealthy and rarely live past the age of 3. Mitzal sprites have a relatively normal gestation period, except that it lasts for typically around 12 months. This is due to the necessity to not only produce an entire infant being, but also to produce the fungal heart of the child, which is what all of their symbiotic spores come from.

Growth Rate & Stages

They age at a relatively normal humanoid rate, being considered a fully grown adult at 18. Their symbiotic entity grows slightly slower, leading them to be considered at their maximum strength when they reach 25. When they are born, they are not yet able to walk, talk, or fend for themselves, and are relatively useless infants. As young children, they have not yet taken on either flower of mushroom coloration, as the differentiation process begins at age twelve. Before that, children are relatively neutral in color, and are regarded as neutral in gender as well. The differentiation process is voluntary, and children are capable of choosing which subspecies they should become by influencing their spores mentally. By age thirteen, they are considered fully differentiated and are from then on by default gendered according to their coloration. They proceed to age normally until the age of 25, at which point their aging plateaus. They live for approximately 130 years.

Biological Cycle

Flower sprites are the only ones truly affected by the passing of the seasons, with their blooms shriveling and dying in the winter and growing back in the spring.

Additional Information

Facial characteristics

They have relatively typical humanoid faces, with long elf-like ears and large pink or orange eyes. Mushroom sprites have a large, hard mushroom cap instead of hair, while flower sprites have long hair that sprouts flowers.

Geographic Origin and Distribution

They are found almost exclusively on the continent of Andria, but do occasionally wander elsewhere

Average Intelligence

They are a sapient species, with an average intelligence of 10.

Perception and Sensory Capabilities

Mitzal sprites have relatively good sight, and as well as this, they are capable of detecting each other through their spores.

Symbiotic and Parasitic organisms

They have a crucial symbiotic species that is vital to their survival. It is called a fungal heart, and it resides within the hosts heart. It then grows tendrils and shoots spores into every crevice of the organism, from the muscles to the skin to the brain. This would kill anyone who is not a Mitzal Sprite, but they ended up evolving together to form a symbiotic relationship in which the sprite provides a moving host and plenty of food, as well as a longer lifespan and the chance to reproduce, and the fungal heart provides enhanced strength and constitution to the sprites.

Civilization and Culture

Naming Traditions

They do not have a specific naming ritual, but there is one specific tradition that they do hold close and that is that a child's name will start with the first letter of their mother's name and end with the first letter of the father's name. In the case of same sex relationships, they will just choose who ends the name and who starts it. For example, parents Anneth and Erik might name their children Abe, Allie, and Alice. Female and male names don't have any explicit rules. Last names are matriarchal in nature.

Major Organizations

The most major Mitzal Sprite nation is South Andria. This nation is currently headed by Iza Heralder, who has ruled for 52 years now. It is the only nation that is primarily led by Mitzal sprites, though it is still relatively diverse.

Beauty Ideals

Brighter colored flowers or mushrooms are considered more beautiful, as well as having their mushrooms or flowers in convenient places. As well as this, symmetry both in face and physical nature is considered more aesthetically appealing.

Gender Ideals

They have very little concept of explicit gender ideals, as gender determines very few things in their society other than pronouns, name, and dress. More so, ideals focus on subspecies and societal role. Both these things are chosen, and it is common for people to choose their subspecies and role based on the ideals they match. Flower sprites are regarded as more gentle and kind, while mushroom sprites are regarded as tougher and more protective.

Relationship Ideals

Relationships between members of the same subspecies are typically considered slightly taboo, though not unheard of, as they are incapable of reproducing. They have no qualms about same sex or gender relationships, but same subspecies relationships are considered odd socially. They typically have lifelong relationships, usually with single partners, though child rearing is considered more of a community task than a parental task. Those who wish to assist with raising children often perform tasks like daytime care and education, and this is usually considered near mandatory for parents to enroll their children in. Societally, raising their youth around as many different types of people as possible is considered the ideal.

Average Technological Level

One of their most famous uses of magic is the invention of portable sunlight. This is most similar to an ultraviolet lightbulb, and is used so that they have access to light to photosynthesize even when in chronic darkness.

Major Language Groups and Dialects

They speak a dialect of Spriitongue, a very similar language to that spoken by other varieties of sprites. It is typically understandable to others that speak spriitongue, but may sound slightly odd, similar to accented speech. If they live in other areas, they typically speak the native tongue.

Common Etiquette Rules

They typically have no strict etiquette rules, though it is considered a deep insult to make comments on a Mitzal sprite's fungal heart, or imply that they are lesser for it. This typically applies mostly to outsiders though, as Mitzal sprites are typically very proud of their nature.

Common Dress Code

They have very similar dress codes to other species, though it is very uncommon for clothing to be mass produced. Most Mitzal sprites will get their clothes custom made by the local tailor, as due to their physical nature they often vary greatly from each other, and most cannot wear each other's clothes.

Common Customs, Traditions and Rituals

The ceremony for the Great Spore occurs on the first day of the Month of Scorching. This festival lasts one entire week, and is intended as worship to the Great Spore. This tradition varies by region, but almost always includes months of preparation so that almost everyone can have several days off of work. Children are not in schools, and only areas that are objectively necessary are left open. The entire community creates a massive festival that lasts several days, and this festival typically includes little shade and constant bright light, music, parties, huge amounts of food, and entertainment. The preparation and cleanup is immense, and it is one of the largest holiday celebrations on the continent, if not the world.


They were born of plants and animals merging as a species early on in their history, in around 25AL. When they were originally created, they were barely sentient shambling plant creatures who couldn't harmonize properly and coexist for longer than a few years. Within a few generations, however, the two creatures coevolved until they were indistinguishable from one another, and became the harmonious union of creatures known as Mitzal Sprites. They evolved together from there, but around 100AL there was a noticeable shift towards two distinct subspecies, the flower sprite and the mushroom sprite. While still only recognized as a single species, the two subspecies are noticeably different. Around 200AL, the first Sprii nations were formed, focused almost entirely on imperializing the continent of Andria. The nation of South Andria formed, as expected, in the southern regions of Andria, and quickly attempted to expand outwards at a rapid rate. They were experiencing a massive population boom due to the massive amount of resources within Southern Andria. In around 450CE, their borders began to encroach on the territories of Northwood, and when Northwood refused to give up their land and merge nations, they declared war. The war of 462 was one of the most brutal wars in Andrian history, with millions of deaths on both sides of the fields. Northwood emerged triumphant, and beat South Andria back to it's own territory. They still exist to this day in a deeply uneasy peace.

Common Myths and Legends

Most believe very strongly in the myth of the Great Spore, a being they worship with a near deity-like reverence. They believe it to be the embodiment of the truest, greatest spore, and many believe it to be their creator. Many great sprites have quested to find this being, but none have succeeded. It is unclear whether it truly exists, or is more mythological in nature, but that does not stop many from attempting to find it.

Interspecies Relations and Assumptions

Many have a deeply seated anger towards other species of sprites, as they believe them to be the reason their current nation is much smaller than it should be. Many even believe Kygorin sprites are the reason they have not achieved control over the entire continent, or even the world. They are typically neutral or friendly towards other species. They are wonderful friends with Moonfolk, as they often are wonderful companions whose personalities match with each other. As well as this, one Moonfolk, Soleil Sol was once leader of their nation in 872 BC, though they led a relatively short rule. They were considered an excellent leader, and this greatly furthered their interspecies relationship.
Mitzal Sprite Traits
Size: Small (Optional Tiny Variant: Dwarf Sprite)
Speed: 25 feet walking (15 for dwarf), 40ft Flying (60 for dwarf)
Languages: Common, Spriitongue
Photosynthesis: Your spores can generate energy from the sun. When you are in bright, natural light, you can go without food for twice as long as someone without this ability
ASI: +1 to Con
Subrace: Mushroom sprite
Tough Skin: You gain a +1 to your armor class while not wearing heavy armor
ASI: +1 to Con, +1 to Str
Subrace: Flower Sprite
Spores: You can release your spores once per long rest, and for one minute hostile creatures within 10ft take 1d4 damage each round
ASI: +2 to Dex
Scientific Name
Fari plantae sapiens
130 years
Conservation Status
Mitzal Sprites are not considered to be endangered, though it is widely illegal to kill them due to their sapience.
Average Height
3-4 feet for mushroom sprites 3.5-4.5 feet for flower sprites .5-2 feet for dwarf sprites (both varieties)
Average Weight
150-200lbs for mushroom sprites 100-150 for flower sprites
Average Physique
Mushroom Sprites are stocky and bulky, somewhat resembling dwarves, while flower sprites are taller and more dextrous.
Body Tint, Colouring and Marking
Mushroom sprites have darker gray, rough skin, accented by their mushroom caps which often sprout in bright pink and orange. Flower sprites are also gray, but their skin is nowhere near as weathered, and the flowers they sprout are also pink and orange.
Geographic Distribution


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