Bayt Jadeed Organization in Lordania | World Anvil
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Bayt Jadeed

The Bayt Jadeed is an elusive Human state lying within the Roanoke Zone. It lies between the East Roanoke Confederation and the Hydra Sector. Its origin is unclear, but it is believed to have been established in the early 2290s, as tales of its existence began spreading to the wider Human community around the turn of the 24th century. It is accessible via one established jump gate, established between Kirdana and the Diadem System.   The Bayt Jadeed is extremely isolationist, but not aggressively so. The gate between Kirdana and Diadem is heavily guarded, and individuals are politely, but firmly turned away unless on official business into their sector. Those that have entered report the region to be reasonably inhabited, far beyond what should be possible for a region settled less than twenty years ago. Its inhabitants, the Amutjiman, are distinctly human, with characteristics that would place their origins as the Lordanian Cluster. However, they have remained elusive about their origins. Despite their isolationist nature, they are described as being welcome hosts, who are friendly and compassionate to visitors, if a little cold on personal matters.   From what has been established, the Bayt Jadeed is democratic, with elected leaders and universal political participation. There is seemingly no distinction between citizen and politician, with every individual serving in some way towards the community. The Amutjiman consider themselves connected to each other, far more than average. Seemingly able to reach a consensus on matters, they are able to act almost in unison on matters related to the community and the betterment of their society. Leadership roles seem to be more a temporary duty than an established position, however positions of importance are often elected based on capability rather than popularity.   At the very head of the Bayt Jadeed is their First Thinker, an elusive, semi-mythologised individual of great importance, who is alleged to have performed a great feat, widely described as a miracle in that it is entirely unexplainable, bringing the Amutjiman to the very edge of Human space, and granting them a hundred years of prosperity and growth. This is interpreted outside the Bayt Jadeed as metaphorical, as their systems are clearly noted to have been uninhabited prior to the 2290s. However, in the years since their arrival, they have grown significantly, extending their influence over six star systems, and being notably well armed and established. It is unknown whether the First Thinker is alive, or ever existed, but they are highly regarded within Amutjiman culture. No visitor to the Bayt Jadeed has ever met the First Thinker.   As news of the discovery of the Bayt Jadeed begins to spread across the Galaxy, many see the region of little importance. A backwater community at the far edge of Human space with some weird, vaguely religiously democratic system of government. Some within the Lordanian Cluster wonder if this is the mythical destination of Louis Poincaré and the CV Respite.
Territory of the Bayt Jadeed

Founding Date
Unknown (Possible 2291)
Geopolitical, State


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