Devil's Carnival Geographic Location in Lockard-verse | World Anvil

Devil's Carnival

Come one, come two, come you, the Devil's Carnival!


The Devil's Carnival is made up primarily of a seemingly endless series of interconnected circus tents. These tents make up the minor spheres of the carnival itself, as well as organizing along the fairway, which also includes open tents for exhibits and games of chance. At one end of the fairway is a complex of tents known as the Intake Tents where most new visitors enter and meet the Ticket-Taker. The Intake Tents also contain Heaven's Elevator, the primary conduit between Heaven and Hell. In a tangle of tents near the opposite end of the fairway is a stick-built house referenced as the Devil's Office. The office contains several rooms in varying styles in which the Devil will take clients, victims, and meetings with his creations. Just behind the Devil's Office is a broken stone path which leads out of the carnival proper and into the Bitch's Garden.

Fauna & Flora

There is no known native life which existed on this plane before Lucifer's Fall. Since his taking control of the area, he has peopled it with Constructed Souls , known as carnies. A particular subset of carnies are known as the Woe Girls, an all female troupe of tormentors and torturers. Lucifer has also created several named entities to manage or perform in the carnival, ranging from the Ticket-Taker who acts as his assistant to the Painted Doll and the Hobo Clown who often act as narrators or guides to guests.


Since Lucifer's marriage to Bitch, cats can now be found in all corners of the carnival grounds. Before the cats, there were no mice or rats. Now, the cats often go hunting and bring back rodents of varying size, which they present to favored carnies or the Bitch herself.

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