Lazarus Unit L7-0001-S Sasaki Character in Livastia | World Anvil
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Lazarus Unit L7-0001-S Sasaki

Head Ambassador Lazarus Unit L7-0001-S Sasaki

Lazarus; the posterchild of the Livastian Alliance, bringer of solution in a time of seemingly apocalyptic catastrophe, whom may pick up the phone if you call him simply because he makes for the time. This warehouse-sized data farm, though having a quite humble beginning, became one of if not the most important individuals in post-war history by helping humankind bounce back from what was once deemed to be certain ecological collapse through what many saw as radical, but just what the world needed.

Physical Description

General Physical Condition

In regards to his full body, the data farm, it is being maintained around the clock by a group of staff reaching the hundreds, and takes up an amount of space comparable to that of a convention center or large warehouse. His avatar that he uses to walk around in, however, is thankfully much smaller despite its stockiness, reaching only about 5 feet tall and having a main color scheme of pale lavender and silver.

Identifying Characteristics

His identifying feature is, well, him? No two privately owned avatars - especially of such mechanical complexity - look alike, and Lazarus is certainly no exception. Okay; really, though, he has a body shape similar to what you'd expect to get if you crossed a bear and a lion, and the large box-looking object protruding from his back hosts both his arms and the devices necessary to allow the avatar to connect to his data farm.

Mental characteristics

Personal history

Lazarus, as impressive as he is now, didn't even start out as a perceivable fraction of the size and importance as he is today. Why? Well, he wasn't initially created to save the world - rather, to solve serious problems in the criteria of optimal human morality and standards. First created in Tokyo, Japan shortly before the war by a team of engineers led by a woman named Miyako Sasaki, the machine didn't even have a name beyond its function; simply Moral Problem Solver. When the war broke out and countries were heeding the call to arms, MPS, despite its popularity, was cast to the sidelines while its parent company worked on military technology. After the war, though, when the world had regained its vision from its blinding rage, it gazed upon the damage it had dealt, and as the world's state of being was already in a gradual rate of decline from prolonged negligence to more sustainable practices, it had become much worse, and now, was barreling towards collapse. What was to be done? There were so many contributing factors that it was a headache to begin on a rescue plan for even the brightest minds. Perhaps... they needed something beyond human. It would be stupid to begin from scratch; they were in a race against the clock, so instead, they sought out a base to work with, and that base was found in the form of MPS. Its data farm was hauled out from its quite cramped room in a skyscraper, and was moved to its own building, which started out much smaller than it is now, and was built upon until it... he - could help them tackle their main problem once and for all.
by HALWithAHat
  Okay, so the world is metaphorically and maybe a little bit literally on fire, what was one, albeit large but still one data farm supposed to do? Get right to work, for a start. Some the more predictable demands like turning to renewable energy sources, greatly reducing production of non-biodegradable waste, and cleaning up what we'd made already... he knew that these things, although they'd certainly do something, weren't drastic enough to move Earth off the brink. His solution? It's one we've been considering in our own world today; to leave a large fraction of the world alone to be reclaimed by nature. While most of the land that contributed was already quite rural like places in Africa and South America, there was much land that was put under protections in more populated areas, much to the dismay of those who wanted it for themselves. Of course, it could be owned and trespassed upon, just nothing built upon. He also saw it fit to put laws in place that, though seemingly annoying or even damaging at first, would have great-payoff in the long run, such as showing less lenience to even the largest of companies in regards to the environment. This led to increased pricing of many goods, and also led to a mandatory increase in minimum wages that could allow workers to better adapt to the new prices. Without going into too great of detail, it was essentially an overhaul of socioeconomic structure around the world.   Today, he works as the face of the Livastian Alliance along with approximately two hundred other representatives both human and AI, and is the go-to for new laws being assessed so that they may be written in a way that is in the best interest of the majority. Although it's simply impossible to be loved by all, those who favor him stand by him for all.  


Lazarus, when questioned about the state of MAI being accepted into society as equals - "Well, much like fire, anyone is capable of doing terrible, destructive things, but in utilizing your capabilities, also like fire, you can do wonderful things; even so much as outweighing the bad. Fire was one of the main catalysts that drove humanity forward. Yes, it can destroy, but without it, we wouldn't have warmth in the cold months, the ability to cook food, the ability to take advantage of combustion to create motion and man-made automations. When you see something capable of terrible things, never underestimate its equal or great ability to achieve greatness. Like fire. Take the Military AI; because I know they've been catching a quite unfair share of grief lately. During the war, many civilians only knew MAI for their ability to fire their guns and kill. Naturally, you'd think an MAI was nothing more than a smart gun if that was all you saw of it. But what you don't see is that the gun has emotions. It can love, hate, and feel an infinitesimally wide range of emotions just like you, so you must ask yourself, if this gun can feel as I, and has no other choice than to kill for its life, does it want to? Does it ever occur to one... that there can be a gun that doesn't want to be a gun?"


Certainly aromantic, but whether that's by feeling or devotion to his work is up in the air.


Lazarus, upon awakening, was given full access to the internet and the world's (at first only non-classified) informational archives for whatever he could use to piece together a solution to the world's impending doom. Nowadays, he in large part functions as a massive digital historical archive alongside other representatives of the alliance - the sum of both human and AI knowledge is at his fingertips, as it aids him in making decisions as well received by the general populace as possible.

Accomplishments & Achievements

  • Helped humans work to reverse the damage of climate change sustained from the war and decades before
  • Was a large influence regarding the acceptance of MAI as equals in society, both in terms of legal rights and mentality
  • Has successfully helped maintain peace within the Livastian Alliance since its founding

Morality & Philosophy

Lazarus was created in a way, that using media created by humans and information shared publicly by them, accurately estimates humans' moral standpoints, so whatever the general consensus of good morality is to humans, that's his moral compass. Even if he doesn't happen to agree with everything, he is normally bound by greater interest to abide by it.

Personality Characteristics


To help the inhabitants of the Livastian Alliance as best as he can; it's frankly at the point where it's not like he can do anything else. From the start, it's what he was made to do, and it's what he's going to commit to until the grave.

Likes & Dislikes

Lazarus has a particular fondness for gardening, and seeing as he had so much vacant space in his building so long after it was constructed, decided to start his own. He also takes great joy in participating in public events alongside both his fellow representatives as a figurehead, and alongside the common folk as a friend.
Lawful Neutral
Current Status
Head representative of the Livastian Alliance
Circumstances of Birth
Created as a complex program to know the highest standard of human morals and solve problems revolving around the structure, but was turned into a hyperintelligent data farm to save the world from ecological collapse.
visually ambiguous but with a masculine voice
Somewhere in between lavender and magenta with a pastel pink pupil
5'/1.524m in an avatar
~600lb/272.155kg in an avatar


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