Glundorion Settlement in Lislow | World Anvil
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The largest city of the Tetraite Provinces, now more commonly known as Tetra Prime. Originally founded a several Families of Munrai refugees fleeing the first Great Lislander War under the banner of House Amelani and the Legendary Hero King, Agni Amelani.
Nestled amongst the largest trees of the Tetra Forest, it's served as the capital and comerce center of the North-West for over a thousand years and has grown into a vibrant City-State of its own, that has flourished on the local Magitek


While since it's original founding by House Amelani it's been mostly inhabitated mostly by Tetraites, in modern times there are quite a few pockets of Lislowan and Waelsaung peoples who enjoy the quiet and earthy ambiance.


Ruled to this day by House Amelani, usually in a fair and kind manner. While under Elliel there is a definitive lean towards hostilities and lack of cooperation, but under King Agni Amelani the smaller lords and Family Heads tend to thrive and play very well with the other local ethnicities.


While by all means no one in Tetraite has anything against living on the ground, it's seen as a rather peasant thing and thus have build their society hanging and part of the massive oak and blackwoods of the forests in the Tetraite Province.
Some have hollowed out massive trucks, other on platforms hanging or nestled amonngs branches large enough to serve as streets and walkways.

Founding Date
13 CBE 6 /2 (Originally Tetra Prime)
Alternative Name(s)
Tetra Prime
Location under
Ruling/Owning Rank
Owning Organization

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