Aetherstone Item in Liria | World Anvil


I rolled the brilliant blue orb around through my fingers. Refractions from the imperfections throughout the sphere reflected and twinkled in reaction to the torches lighting the room. The Aetherstone had cost me a small fortune, but I had the extra power I needed now to get my revenge. Hopefully, it would hold out and be enough to do the job, as I knew how fragile these could be when empowering magic. The last nearly got me killed as it shattered just as I was about to kill that man who took my family from me. This was my last chance, I spent my entire savings on this final shot. Closing my palm around the orb I dropped what I owned the keeper for dinner on the table, pulled up my coat and hood, and exited into the dark night.
— Journal of Rolden Tryst

Mechanics & Inner Workings

Aetherstones make use of the aether that permeates everything by being able to store large amounts of aether energy for various applications. They also draw heavily on leyline when there is one within range. How much aether can be stored varies on the size and purity of the stone that is being used. Spells can not actually be stored within the orbs instead they are used to power the spells of an that have been enchanted into an item, weapon, armor, etc. The orbs can be reshaped when they are infused into an item. Spellcasting through anything other than a pure Aetherstone will end up damaging and eventually destroying the orb. This makes pure Aetherstones prized possessions and extremely rare.

Manufacturing process

The creation of an Aetherstone process starts with a measured supply of refined aetherite and a small amount of orichalcum, crushed into a fine powder and placed into an enclosable spherical orb. The orb is placed on a special stand centered on a permanent enchantment ritual structure which is carved with an extremely intricate arcane circle. There are eight crenelations that encircle the enchantment structure one at each of the major compass points. Reagents specific to the construction of the orb are placed on each within a carved out bowl shape atop each crenellation.

Once that has been arranged the arcane circle carving is filled with more powered orichalcum. The arcanist(s) then begin to chant and channeling a special incantation that must be repeated for the entire length of the process. The materials inside the ball will begin to coalesce into a sphere and collect aether from the area around it. As the aether builds in the orb, the orichalcum laid in the pattern begins to be absorbed through the orb. The exact time it takes varies based on the purity of the materials and the skill of the lead enchanter. Too much aether drawn into the orb during creation may overload and cause an Aether Flare while to little and the orb may not never take shape and be viable.

The manufacturing used to be an exclusive construction of the Otemus Arcanium for over two hundred years but the process was believed to have been acquired through either espionage from another country or a traitor within the Arcanium itself.

The resulting orb then usually appears in two different appearances depending on the purity of its creation. The purer the orb the more enchantable and usability the orb will offer. The depths of the blue color relate to the orb's overall power limitations. Impure orbs are the most common form of Aetherstones created.

Impure Aetherstone
Pure Aetherstone


Aetherstones significance is vital to the workings and crafting of arcane magic and items. The stones are used in the creation of building magic items and what allows them to be enchanted to various power and abilities. Aetherstones are also used for rituals, magical enhancement, and spellcasting.


The rarity of Aetherstone comes more from the purity of the stone that one is able to craft or acquire. The higher the purity of the stone the rarer its availability and with its rarity comes a high cost for them.

Base Price
Raw materials & Components

The components required in the creation of an Aetherstone is the following:

  • Permanently Enchantment Ritual Structure


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